Allergies for Raw Food Diet

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Jennifer (Florida, FL) on 03/05/2015:
5 out of 5 stars

I've cured hundreds of dogs and cats by switching their owners to raw feeding. Cheaper and pets live 25-30 years old with no issues.

80% flesh, 10% raw bone, 10% organs as a rough diet plan.

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Poodlesrule (Virginia Beach, Va) on 10/28/2011:
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My dogs had horrible allergies with nasty ear infections that would not go away. My poor dogs suffered for so long. I switched to numerous "holistic dog foods" trying to help them. My research showed that all the preservatives in dog food was causing all these problems. I finally switched to a species appropriate diet which consists of feeding my dogs like wolves eat - whole prey. I found out that there are thousands of people feeding this way. We all feed our dogs a diet that is 80% raw meat, 10% edible raw bone and 10% raw organs. After just a few weeks, the ear infections that my dogs suffered with for 4 years disappeared!!! All the itching all over their bodies disappeared!! Their coats are shinier than they have ever been, they have more energy and all the tarter is gone from their teeth too! I have now been feeding this way for 3 years and my vets can't believe how healthy my dogs are. we also no longer vaccinate. We had titers done on my dogs and they have enough antibodies in their system, from the previous vaccinations they have had, to last them the rest of their lives. :-)

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Genevieve (Atlanta, Ga) on 08/31/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

Our six year old mutt eats a raw meaty bone diet ("RMB", a combo of raw meat, raw bone and organs), and many health concerns other owners face have disappeared. She used to have eye infections and bad breath. We haven't seen an infection or cold in years, and her breath is absolutely neutral. Her teeth gleam. People mistake her for a younger dog. And never once has she had to have her glands expressed. I believe many of the skin problems people report here will disappear with this species-appropriate diet. Many allergies are due to grain found in kibble. Even grain-free kibble is highly processed. Feeding raw also provides our pup with the extreme satisfaction of ripping and gnawing. There are several books out there to learn about this diet, which can be frightening to many folks. It takes a little practice, and a freezer certainly helps. By getting familiar with cuts of meat I'd never heard of (tripe, turkey necks), we feed her for under $2/day. I was scared at first, but wouldn't dream of feeding any other way now. Best of luck to all!
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Jb (Atlanta, Ga/usa) on 08/07/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

One of my German Shepherds had an awful time with gooey ears, crusty lips & itching/scabs on her lower back & neck. Once I placed her on raw meat & bone diet all symptoms disappeared. It took about 3 months for her skin to heal. Suppose it took that long for the grains to get out of her system.

I have even tried grain-free food but, the crusty lips & ears start up again after one serving.

RMB diet works.

Also, food-grade DE is not harmful if mixed in food. I use it several times a year to clear intestinal parasites in my dogs. In fac, t I add it to my own smoothies. It's silica. Food-grade DE is used in the midwest to treat cows & hogs for parasites. It is perfectly safe. One has to take precaution not to allow the powder to enter the eyes or breath it in. Add to moist food or broadcast in the yard & lightly water into soil.

Use common sense when using DE.

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Elena (Thornhill, Ontario, Canada) on 04/20/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Yes I agree, raw diet does wonders. My dog also gets severe itching twice per year due to allergies. I have paid hundreds of dollars and the only solution they could offer after trying various other things were steroids?. I hate the way it affects her. Constant urinating, weird eyes, real hungry & thirsty. I was sick of seeing her like that. Then she was put on a raw meat diet (seventy percent ground chicken (neck, wing tips), turkey, also lamb, goat mixed with some beef heart and thirty percent ground veg.(not gassy variety). This is mixed with half human dose of antibiotic. We also started to give her half human does fish oil. She's a different dog. Allergies are completely, utterly no scratching, she's calm, has a beautiful coat and I am so relieved after all these years. The dehydrated dog food you see in pet food stores which says "raw" is not raw, its dehydrated. I mean raw organic. I was shocked that it was not nearly as expensive as I expected. My medium size dog only eats about a 1216oz per day. Oh also, no vaccinations or heart worn/flea meds. for at least 3 years. I wish you the peace of mind we have found from these diet changes.

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Suzanne (Southeast, Michigan) on 04/27/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

For those of you who have dogs with skin problems, skin allergies, please consider a raw diet. This is something that is becoming more well known and is growing in popularity. Commercial dog foods are the cause of so many health problems in pets. My three dogs and one cat have been eating a raw diet for two years now. Raw meaty bones, some organ meat, and then a couple times a week, a few supplements like fish oil, yogurt, raw egg, kale. It's similar to something called the BARF diet for pets, but a simplified version. Two books by Tom Lonsdale, Raw Meaty Bones, and Work Wonders, are a good place to start reading about the diet. There are web sites and yahoogroups as well. My dogs teeth are super clean and white (even my 9yr old lab) because they're eating like their ancestors did; ripping the meat off bones, chomping on bone (raw bones only -- cooked bones are a choking hazard). Sicne starting this diet, besides being overall healthier pets, other benefits: clear anal glands because the poop is a bit harder, healthier skin and coat, no dog smell or doggy breath, much less poop because no fillers, etc., as in dry food I never have to clean up poop in my yard! Natural diet means natural poop; in a few days, it turns white and crumbles away. Also, my dogs are happier. They love the raw diet. I had one very stubborn cat who I just couldn't get to transition to a raw diet, so I fed her Evo, the more natural dry food. That did help her allergies, but I still would rather she went raw.
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