Nail Fungus for Oregano

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Charles (Hillsdale, New York) on 12/12/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Remedy Update on previous posts It is now about a year since last post. Have continued to wear sandals and keep feet very clean, and I cut nails way back. Not using anything else at this point Toenail fungus is not visible even when I look closely!
REPLY   3      

Julie (River Grove, IL) on 05/11/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I sent in a comment on 5/2/06, and I have an additional comment to make: I noticed some of you have written in and are concerned about how to get rid of the fungal infection in the internal nail. When you use oil of oregano on your nails for treatment of nail fungus, you will notice it is actually absorbed into the entire nail and completely destroys all of the fungus. You will not be disappointed in the results!
REPLY   3      

Julie (River Grove, IL) on 05/02/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I am very happy to pass this on to anyone who has this condition because you will absolutely get rid of your discolored/thickened toenails with no side effects! I know because my nails are clear and beautiful again. Apply oil of oregano to your nails with a Q-tip in the morning and evening. You can buy oil of oregano at any health food store. Do this and your unsightly toenails will be a thing of the past. Do this for approximately 6 or 7 months, so your new clear toenails will grow in and that's it! I followed this advice and my nails are completely clear and normal.