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Dawn (North Hollywood, CA) on 08/01/2006
5 out of 5 stars

You mix 15-20 drops of spearmint oil in a spray bottle with water, spray on fur and ears, careful not to get in eyes, you can spray dog houses, the outer perimeter of your home and the flies disappear almost instantly. my dogs are 7 and I have never found anything that worked until I tried this.
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Dawn (North Hollywood, CA) on 07/10/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to tell you about something I discovered I did not see on your site. Dogs and Flies... My dogs were being eaten up by flies, a friend recommended spearmint oil and it worked. I have been using it over a week now and there has not been one fly around them since. IT WORKS.
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John (Omaha, Nebraska) on 04/08/2007
5 out of 5 stars

this is all 100% natural and can cure the sore throat asap. first get some water, next mix water with 2 teaspoons of spearmint oil, and then gargle.
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Elizabeth (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) on 02/24/2012

I would love to know if you've had any further developments on this front. A couple years ago I had myself checked out because I had always had abnormal facial hair (my mom always attributed it to heredity), continual weight loss and gain, irregular periods, etc. But I felt it was something more. An external and internal ultrasound showed that I had ovarian polyps, an earlier stage of PCOS.

At that time I had maintained a healthier lifestyle (diet and exercise) with little processed foods and simple sugars out of habit rather than restriction, which had held the polyps at bay. That has changed within the past year and I have noticed a difference on every front. Spearment tea sounds like a wonderful idea and I would love to give it a go so I am thoroughly interested in your findings.

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Spearmint for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Pcos) Acne

Loveallnatural (Kansas City, Mo) on 01/22/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Spearmint for PCOS Acne

Came across an article stating women with PCOS might benefit from spearmint tea. I went to the nutrition store and bought some organic and starting drinking spearmint tea on Friday afternoon. I wasn't really expecting anything for a few weeks, but I woke up today, Sunday, and my face looks 100% better. It was only about 36 hours and is so improved that it defies logic! One cup in the morning and one at night and I'm SHOCKED at the results. I also bought some high quality spearmint oil and put a few drops in some all natural liquid face cleanser so maybe that had something to do with the almost immediate results... ? Today I have almost no oil, my pores are visibly shrinking, and my skin is healthy looking with a more even tone and a pinkish glow... But not even one single new bump/cyst/eruption/pimple and it is finally smooth again!! My face is covered in the healing blemishes, but those should heal soon and nothing new is coming up. On Saturday I noticed that one bump that has been on my cheek for months had finally gotten bigger. Nothing would come out before, but it wouldn't go away. I guess the spearmint had finally brought it to the surface. I was shocked at how deep and infected it was, but today it is finally healing. It honestly looks like I've had 3-4 months of prescription treatment on my face. I thought I was crazy so I asked my husband to look at my skin and he was visibly shocked and said my skin hasn't looked this good in years. My face has gone from being overly oily to almost oil at all. I'm allergic to moisturizers and I've had to start using organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil again just to make sure my skin is hydrated enough, and it is good for my skin too.

I have PCOS (can't take the pill) and for the past year or so my skin has started breaking out with cystic type acne and my pores have gotten really large. I've never had great skin, but I've always controlled it... With retin-a all through high school and college and then switched to a mild face cleanser and toner of organic apple cider vinegar when I got pregnant with my first child. I usually had one or two pimples every couple of weeks. After my children were born I was even able to just use Lancome products and my face looked really nice. Suddenly, about a year or so ago, I developed a severe facial allergy to sodium and ammonium lauryl sulfates and my skin started breaking out worse than ever before. I went to the dermatologist and she said it was hormonal acne caused by the PCOS so there wasn't much she could do and other than prescribe the pill, which I can't take, but to exercise, lose weight, eat healthier, etc. (gee, thanks. ) Due to my allergies, I had to stay with all natural products and my face just kept getting worse and worse. I went back to my tried and true apple cider vinegar, but it didn't really help. I've tried tea tree oil, violet extract, colloidal silver, oil of oregano, organic virgin coconut oil, you name it and nothing helped at all. (I'm very allergic to benzoil peroxide and any of the OTC acne remedies so I couldn't try them. ) I'm in my mid 30s and I looked like a 15 y. O. Boy. It has been so horrible!! Today I'm seeing a light at the end of the tunnel and I just hope it keeps on this same path of healing!!!!

Spearmint is supposed to help regulate hormones and for women with PCOS that is the key. No wonder nothing helped as it really was hormonal acne. I doubt this would work at all for women without hormone issues and men probably shouldn't try it, or maybe try the spearmint oil added to a face cleanser... But in less than 36 hours my skin looks 100% better and I couldn't be happier with the results!!! I'm sticking with this and hoping it continues to improve. Maybe it will even help with other PCOS issues... Only time will tell. I'll post back if anything changes. Good luck to all!!!!

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Peppermint Water for Upset Stomach, Nausea, Flu

Obeybunny (Santa Ana, California, United States Of America) on 12/29/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Drinking cold peppermint water works instantly for me whenever I get motion sickness or nausea from eating bad food. Also, whenever I'm chained to the bathroom because of the flu, peppermint water helps to keep me from vomiting.

One or two drops of Peppermint extract in water. The ratio of peppermint to water really doesn't matter- I generally like my peppermint water strong (1 drop of peppermint in 3 table spoons of water), but everyone else in my family prefers diluted stuff (2 drops in 6 ounces). Nevertheless, it will still work.

Peppermint extract is available in the spice section of most of the grocery stores I go to.

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Peppermint Tea for Acne

Karen (Johannesburg, South Africa) on 08/18/2011
4 out of 5 stars

I've suffered from chronic hormonal acne for more than 20 years. I stayed on birth control pills during most of the time because it was the only thing that kept me consistently clear (any combined pill seemed to work for me). After leaving my job and losing my health insurance I found that the drugs were too expensive and started looking for a natural remedy.

After more than a year of giving everything I could think of a try, I finally started to see results with peppermint tea. Took about 2 weeks to start noticing improvement. It's not a 100% cure but it's something of a small miracle after being so completely unresponsive to everything else. 1 - 2 unsweetened strong cups a day seems to do the job. And I quite enjoy the taste.

After doing some research I think this only works for androgen-type hormonal imbalance ie. Too many male-type hormones. I believe the effects are similar for men. Spearmint, which I can't seem to find, apparently works as well.

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Alum Powder and Rosewater for Hair Removal

Sara Khan (Birmingham, Uk) on 09/10/2010
5 out of 5 stars

Hey guys read your comments and I thought I would clarify it is spearmint NOT peppermint tea. You need to drink two cups a day for 5 days in order for testosterone levels to decrease. Hence, not good for men!!! There are many websites which will explain the spearmint tea. However, I can recommend alum powder and rose water. Mix the two and apply with cotton wool on areas where hair is removed. This should be washed after 15 minutes... (but some may keep it on longer about an hour max) This will overtime reduce the growth of unwanted hair and coarse hair will reappear as fine hair and may eventually disappear overtime. The alum powder and rose water formula has worked miracles for many I know!!! Good Luck
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Peppermint Tea for Body Hair

Beth (Dublin, Ireland) on 03/28/2010
1 out of 5 stars

Hi Nw ,I also suffer from really coarse hair on my chin, I have been taking peppermint tea now for about 3 weeks (2 cups per day)I have not seen any improvement, as yet.
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Peppermint Tea for Excessive Body Hair

Nw (New York, Ny) on 02/09/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I read on ec that excessive hair growth can be treated with blackstrap molassses and spearmint tea so i tried. i couldnt find spearmint so i got peppermint. its been 2 weeks and i cant believe the difference! I drink the tea 2x/day but am kinda lazy about the molasses. I used to have to "pluck" EVERYDAY because the hair on my chin was so coarse. its been so frustrating for so long and i think ive finally beat it. I bought the sand paper type thing they sell for unwanted hair just to get the few light hairs off that were left and now my face is so smooth, it has to be the tea...
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Lisa (Brooklyn, NY) on 07/17/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Peppermint soap (Dr. Bronner's) works great to get rid of scabies. I tried Tea Tree oil among other things and nothing else worked, except hand sanitizer gel. But at the first sign of itchiness, I get out the peppermint soap.
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Peppermint Oil, Fennel, Ginger for Ibs

Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 04/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I've been struggling with IBS and Celiac for a long time. I still get cramps even though there is no more gluten ( or hidden gluten) in my diet.

I found a softgel that has peppermint oil, fennel and ginger in it from iherb. Wow, do these things work great and really tame the tummy!!! I finally have some relief! I take 1 at night and one in the morning. If I still get painful cramps, I take another one. They don't help with diaherra though.

They are a bit hard on the stomach at first so take with a bite or two of food until you get used to them.

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Lisa (S. California, Ca, Usa) on 11/18/2011

You have to take ENTERIC coated peppermint oil. Straight peppermint is way too strong to put into the stomach. Peppermint increase the gastric juices in the stomach, so it needs to bypass the stomach and get into the intestines. Peppermint relaxes muscles, ie intestinal muscles.

If I have a sudden attack and need IMMEDIATE relief, the capsules are NOT the answer. They take awhile to start working. For immediate relief, try peppermint tea ( will make you sleepy) or Altoids. With the Altoids, I usually eat around 10-15 in a 5 minutes period and it helps A LOT.

If you get stomach pain, eat some food with it or eat some DGL LICORICE chewables/lozenges from iherb. The taste is not great but it gets rid of stomach ( not intestinal) pain.

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Tammy (Bridgeport, New York) on 12/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I used about 4 drops of peppermint oil used in candy flavorings and coconut conditioner- mix together coat head really well, cover with shower cap for about 30 minutes. The peppermint and coconut oils kill lice on contact and after you rinse it out, the nits comb right out with ease.
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Mel (Kobe, Japan) on 11/10/2011
1 out of 5 stars

A friend had success with these but said you need to take them for a few weeks before getting results. That said, they didn't help my IBS-D.
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Amy (Anytown, Oh, Usa) on 09/30/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Tried brushing with the peppermint essential oil tonight and it worked like a charm. I have now woken up after a long night's sleep and still have a pink tongue, so it seems to have some staying power.
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Peppermint Oil for Bug Bites

Chela (Dallas, Texas) on 09/21/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I had 6 terrible bug bites on my legs that were inflamed and raised for 5 days with no itch relief. Almost immediately after applying a drop of peppermint oil to each one the itch disappeared. Yay for relief!
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Peppermint Oil Facial Rash

Akemi (West Covina, California) on 09/06/2011
1 out of 5 stars


I recently just tried this remedy. HOWEVER!!! DO NOT PUT IT ON YOUR FACE. I just stopped crying. My face was became so inflamed. When I first applied the peppermint oil to my face, I initially didn't feel anything. By the time I wiped my face with the oil, I felt like my skin was melting off! I tried to remove the oil from my face with water... Big mistake #2. It didn't it just made it worse. My next and final attempt was to use coconut oil. Thank God for that... And although I applied it, I still am unable to remove all the peppermint from my face. I am unsure how this person was able to use this oil, but for me, I never been in so much facial pain in my life. I thought I was going to ask to be taken to the hospital. Never ever ever do this to your face. You'll be extremely sorry.
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Peppermint Oil

Sue (Vermillion, Ohio) on 03/14/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I have the morgellons on my eyelids and have found chapstick a relief, for some reason it is so thick they can't move too much, and the tried the peppermint burt bees chapstick and it stings for 1 minute then gave me good relief. It works for a time but if I stop using it they come back.
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Peppermint Oil

Butterflycari (Heber City, Ut, Usa) on 03/06/2011
5 out of 5 stars


One thing I notice is you have to get the ENTERIC COATED peppermint oil capsules. I have had really good results by using these and usually one dose is sufficient.