3 Common Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies Trusted for Centuries

Modified on Nov 07, 2020

Also known as Ayurveda, Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world’s oldest holistic treatment methods. A system developed thousands of years ago in India, the system is based on the belief that health and wellness are dictated by the delicate balance of the mind, body and spirit. The focus of Ayurvedic medicine is to stimulate good health rather than simply fight disease; however, specific treatments are often suggested for health problems.

What Is Ayurvedic Medicine?

Considered a form of alternative medicine, Ayurveda is based on the theory that everything in the universe is connected and that good health is achieved as the mind, body and spirit are maintained in harmony with the universe. Accompanying this concept is the belief that poor health and sickness are the result of a disruption in this harmony. As such, a number of factors can contribute to this disruption including genetic defects, injuries, climate and seasonal changes, age and emotions.

In any case, the practice generally relies on basic health practices to maintain balance and promote good health. Herbal treatments are among these practices and are typically taken to maintain good health and to correct basic health problems. Ayurvedic herbs are used for a variety of reasons including to support mental focus and clarity, to reduce anxiety, to improve digestion, to detox the body and to support mental clarity.

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    List of Remedies for Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies