Ozone Insufflations for Yeast Infection

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IntegrativeNurse (Santa Cruz, CA) on 01/18/2024
5 out of 5 stars

Ozone Insufflations for Yeast infections/BV/Trichomoniasis

Ozone insufflation inserted vaginally at 42-65 gamma over 5-15 minutes works every single time I, or my patients have had either of these infections. This is entirely safe for all ages. I did every day when I was 8 months pregnant to enable me to have a vaginal birth at home (I swear all that oxygen to her developing brain is why my daughter is so smart:). Yin Care and ACV are great compliments to this treatment and help reduce symptoms until you get to a clinic that will administer ozone.

Start with a low dose/time and work your way up. You often only need one treatment to eliminate the infection. It is always good to balance pH and microbiome for long term defense.

Please be careful not to give yourself a UTI while using vaginally inserted probiotics. If you do acquire a UTI from this method, which I have done, be sure to use UT Vibrance crisis intervention to eliminate the urinary tract infection. This also works every time I or my family have ever had a UTI. UT vibrance, coupled with oral UT probiotics also cured my young niece of a kidney infection caused by a UTI.