Honey And Tea Tree Oil for Yeast Infection

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Rose Moran (Lompoc, California) on 12/30/2008
5 out of 5 stars

HONEY and Tee tree oil saved me from going outta my mind...after suffering a bout with yeast infection and trying over the counter cures it came back and nothing worked...I was about to go to the doctors for anti biodics which they say is bad when in desperation I did another search on yeast infections.I had tried vinegar,even organic, peroxide and creams from the store but I was in so much misery and could not stand it.....One web page said lather in honey and wait 10 minutes... I waited 15 or more and you could just feel the pain and itch subside... after rinsing you apply tea tree oil and I slept like a baby. It took two applications of honey and needless to say I LOVED HONEY. I would reccomend it highly.