Garlic for Yeast Infection

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Keri (Mississauga, Canada) on 02/11/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Hi guys, I thought I always had yeast infections and accepted it as a part of life but one day I decided to go to the doctor.I found out I had a combination of excess yeast and bacterial vaginosis. The doctor prescibed me diflucan and flagil, and like a dummy; I took both. For the first few days, sex was fine, but then after my period, it was like all hell broke loose.

I found out that garlic kills yeast, so I inserted garlic vaginally overnight, and the yeast was gone!, it was painful, but well worth it. The only problem was that the fishy smell persisted. I came across this website and started taking 1mg of folic acid daily, 3 acidoliphus (however you spell it) pills, and tons of activia yogurt daily. Now, my vagina is healthy and I am happy!

My message here is...garlic kills yeast and folic acid with probiotics kills bacteria, oh yeah, and easy on the sugar ladies.

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Prabha (Delhi, India) on 12/15/2008
5 out of 5 stars


A few days ago I suffered a very bad attack of yeast infection. At first I tried the usual antifungal pessaries from over the counter but of no use. The itching was just intolerable. Then I came upon garlic method while searching on the internet. One of the home remedies sites said garlic cloves if kept in vagina cured yeast infections;dose and duration varied according to the severity of infection. Usually 3-4 cloves strung on a thread kept for 12 hours for 4-5 days was good for a mild infection. However I had a rather full blown infection. I used 5-7 garlic cloves peeled, cut them in half and strung in a thread with a needle. However those who have garlic sensitivity should not cut or nick the clove after peeling it. Also I kept the string inside for 24 hours and put a renewed string immediately after removing the used one. The itching stopped almost immediately and after a period of 9 days of continuous use I was free from it. Hope this helps someone. However I would also like to add that I was sure I had yeast infection. This remedy may not work for other infections of the vagina.


Nome (Baltimore, USA) on 12/03/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Garlic cured yeast infection and sinus infection--on different occasions. The yeast infection while pregnant, just inserted it up before bed and taken out in morning. Sinus infection and coughing phlegm many times, chopped up raw and on a PB sandwich, sucked and chewed on slowly during day too.

MsB (Rosenberg, Texas) on 10/21/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I must be honest, I was really scared to try the Garlic Clove, but i figured, what harm can it do. I peeled a piece of fresh garlic, and cut it in half (vertically) and inserted into my "sugarpot". My "sugarpot" began to feel much better! In the morning, I had no symptoms. Im going to do it again to make sure that the yeast is gone. But It really really works, Thanks to all who posted feedback, it has really helped!

Rose (Coast, Oregon) on 09/05/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Wow, garlic worked WONDERS on completely eradicating my yeast infection within just two days. Well, the first day I swallowed a couple cloves of crushed garlic, but I didn't notice any improvement over the day. So that night, I inserted a small clove of garlic and Thank Mother Earth, the next morning the itching had subsided almost completely. The next night, I did the same, only I crushed the garlic a tiny bit to release the oils more. Today, no more symptoms whatsoever! None at all! Yayy. I may do the same again tonight, just to make sure all the yeast is gone. Haa, we should all chip in and advertise garlic clove yeast infection cure, that'd put the tube-o-chemicals company right OUT!(incidentally, I have never used any of those type of creams and only had a yeast infection once before, but it seemed to go away on it's own after about 5 days...still, garlic is a wonder for this.) :P I love this site so much, thank you! Everyone is so helpful, you are all amazing people. Oh...and also, I started drinking a few cups of Kombucha a few days ago, and then this happened. I'm not sure how exactly they would be connected, if anyone knows or has had the same experience with Kombucha, I'd like to hear about it. Thanks for any info. :) Peace
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Justine (Edmonton, Canada) on 06/10/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Hello! I'd like to say that after 6+ yeast infections/year, I went off my birth control pill, and it helped a lot (cut my infection rate in half)! Secondly, the acidophilus and garlic suppositories (pessaries for those in the UK) are really, really effective at reducing itching etc. Especially more so that diflucan or OTC treatments. I will try the boric acid with my next infection, but rest assured, some natural help is out there (and on this page!!) Thanks.

Monica (Winter Park, FL) on 01/25/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Clove of garlic works wonders for yeast infections! After inserting 2 small cloves of garlic into the vagina, the itching stopped in about 20 minutes! This was during the day...and no, I do not smell like a pizza. At night, I use the 3 day Monistat. I'm on the second day, and all the symptoms are beginning to subside. I really enjoy your website, and it is very informative. Thanks for the home remedies!!!
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Yasser (St. Louis, MO) on 06/13/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I really was waiting to hear about garlic. it's really indefatigable yeast enemy. I'm really improving with it. i did discover I had loads of yeast infections this month, I have about 50 bad symptoms now. its death experience for me. so I'm starting a war of education toward these infections. I'm amazed as i read now how approach to one matter could be different. I'm covering piece of my mouth now on how hard and easy this battle seems to be, I will write more soon about my symptoms that it also had great deal with skin fungus that fed from inside and outside (running on burning sand on summer). and the eastern remedies (by the way I'm from alexandria egypt) I relieved with, I appreciate the writers and the website for the great systems of research.

Dot (Buffalo, NY) on 05/15/2006
5 out of 5 stars

I too have been suffering from yeast infections for almost a year now. The one time pill does not even touch it. After a morning of burning and itching I thought I would give the garlic clove treatment a try. Within about 15 minutes the burning sensation stopped. I will continue using it for a few days. I know what you all are going thru. It effects your whole self-being. No one can relate until they have gone thru it. I will be stopping at the pharmacy today for my 1000 mg garlic tabs. Thanks for the self-help tips. The doctor couldn't even help me.

Lizzy (Manchester, UK) on 01/24/2006
5 out of 5 stars

Hey everyone! Just thought i'd write to tell you my experiences with yeast infections. I have had recurrent infections for over a year, it would start 4 or days after my period and stay until 3 or 4 days before my period . it was living hell and it was effecting me sexual, financial (over the counter treatment is expensive!!) and my over all mood was low. The worst part was my doc kept sayin "these things happen" she just didn't seem to understand how much yeast infection were effecting me. I honestly didn't know what to do, i had tried yogurt but that only seemed to calm the symptoms temporarily, i washed with a few drops of tea tree oil in a pint of water daily but again it just seemed take the initial itch and soreness away then I read somewhere about garlic and it has changed my life! I started takin 1000 mg a day three months ago and haven't had thrush since (touch wood!) Garlic IS a miracle, i swear by it!!
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