Apple Cider Vinegar for Yeast Infection

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Susan (Marborough, MA) on 12/21/2006:
4 out of 5 stars

I tried the apple cider vinegar cure for a yeast infection by bathing/douching with it. I'm not sure the douching with it was a good idea. I now have pelvic soreness and believe that the infection has moved up to my uterus. Bathing in it did help the itch and pain, though.

Reva (Arlington, TX) on 12/07/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I took a turkey baster. Filled it half way with Apple Cider Vinegar and half with water. I put a cup of apple cider vinegar in my bath tub and filled my bath tub up with warm water just enough to cover my pelvic area. I sat in the tub then I douched with the turkey baster. Next, I sat in the tub for about 15 mins. I actually saw the white infection come out of my body. It burned slightly for only about 5 minutes. The infection was GONE. No more burning, itching and clawing my insides out. You can also put some apple cider vinegar and a few drops of water on about three cotton balls and dab it on the outside vaginal area. It will burn, but it won't be unbearable. This will stop the external itching immediately. I had that infection for nearly 2 agonizing weeks. I did 2 monostat treatments and even a diflucan that my doctor called in. NOTHING worked. My itching was so severe that I couldn't sleep, walk, stand NOTHING!!!! I couldn't even go to work. I was also very swollen. After reading this web site, I was cured and for the first time in two weeks, I was able to sleep peacefully. I spent about $70.00 on that chemical crap when I discovered that a $1.00 natural method worked instantly.

Helen (Athens, GA) on 12/06/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

For the last year I have had several YI's fed up with spending 20-30 bucks and going to the doctor I turned elsewhere. I have been drinking organic apple cider vinegar everyday for 2 days, eating acidophilus and inserting garlic cloves in to my vagina and am finally relieved! I am so frustrated that my doctor continued to prescribe me drugs that were not working! Thank you for this website and everyone's input!

Lew (Canada) on 11/18/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

My wife tried the Apple Vinegar treatment for a yeast infection. But the problem is though, when I went to get the stuff for her, the lady at the health food store told me she could take as much as she wants... don't do it that way. My wife has been sick all nite. I should have read most of these letters last night, it probably would have helped in a big time way. Now I just have to convince her to do a proper treatment with the bath and a drink to finish this sucker off. She can't take this discomfort much more. Thank you for this website and hopefully now I can finally help my wife.

Raine (Houston, TX) on 11/05/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Apple cider Vinegar cured my yeast infection. I was going half OUT OF MY MIND with the pain from a yeast infection. I would have eaten SHOE LACES if it would have cured the pain! I google'd yeast infection, ran across this site, and within AN HOUR the pain was gone! YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! THANK YOU!

Annie (Charlotte, NC) on 10/28/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

It's 3am and I have been up all night with horrible burning and itching. I tried dabbing the ACV with a tissue and drinking it in water and I felt immediate relief. Thanks so much for the info, it is great to know I am not alone.
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Faith (Jamaica) on 10/15/2006:
1 out of 5 stars


Oh a note about apple cider vinegar too. I went and bought the vinegar sold in grocery stores, you know the distilled one. NOT A GOOD IDEA. I drank it and immediately brought out into a yeast infection. I am not joking. As i drank it i began to feel that familiar itching of a yeast infection So just a warning - make sure that it is organic / raw apple cider vinegar that is bought (which is murky brown in colour) and not the other distilled one (light/clear brown is colour) Thanks again.
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Wendie (Eastern Carolina) on 09/09/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I was up b/c I couldn't sleep w/itching. Already tried monistat 3 for 3 nights. It didn't help. Went to get ACV out of kitchen after reading this. Drank some in water and dabbed some on tissue then on vulva...relief already. I hope this continues to work. Thanks.
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Christine (Georgia) on 09/08/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Bacterial Vaginosis vs Yeast Infections. I came across this website while searching for holistic cures for bacterial vaginosis. I think its really important to identify which infection you might have as what works for curing yeast might actually make the bacterial vaginosis worse. A trained physician who is up-to date with the literature should help diagnose you. I have thought that I had yeast recurring for years while the whole time I have had Bacterial Vaginosis, a COMMON condition. Be sure to get diagnosed correctly, ladies! I am going to try taking oral folic acid and the vaginal yogurt insertion to see if either helps BV.

Niki (Mobile, AL) on 09/06/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

Wow i was reading about this about 5am and i went into the kitchen and got some acv (2 tlb ACV ) and a cup of water and by 6:12 am my itch was calm and no burning!!!!!This really works!
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