Hot Water for Weight Gain

5 star (2) 

Hariom (SAMPLA, Haryana , INDIA) on 09/04/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

If you have eat a heavy, spicy, oily food and feel acidy in stomach, then drink a glass of boiled [not hot] water by sipping.YOU will get immediate relief from acidy.

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Hariom (Sampla[rohtak], Haryana INDIA) on 08/30/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

HOT WATER FOR OBESITY: Boil one glass[200ml.]water. Sip it just like you drink tea after each eating. Rember you should drink it boiled not hot. It control obesitty colostrol and b.p.without any diet control and exercise.
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