ACV and Coconut Oil for Weight Gain

5 star (2) 

Julie (Tarboro, Nc) on 08/21/2011:
5 out of 5 stars

I have taken 3 Tablespoons of coconut oil for almost a month now, and I have gained no weight. As a matter of fact between the coconut oil and the Apple Cider Vinegar I have lost 30 lbs.
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Nelson (Stockton, California) on 12/02/2007:
5 out of 5 stars

finding your website was a godsend. I tried taking 1 tblspn of coconut oil in the am and the pm. also am drinking glasses of water with added acv, and my pants are literally falling off. my stomach is disappearing fast. have more energy, and am looking forward to excercising every morning, along with moving to eating only organic foods. thanks from a young 70 years guy..and looking great. I'm spreading the word about your website to young and old alike.
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