Coconut Oil for Virus, Chronic

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Francis (Solomon Islands) on 01/27/2022:
5 out of 5 stars

This depends on the type of coconut oil you are using because the one with the higher concentration of Lauric Acid that actually resists the presence of viral organisms is the Virgin coconut oil.

We have quite a number of testimonials from people in the Pacific Island countries who are HIV positive that after taking 1 to 3 tablespoons a day have improved a lot in their conditions. So there you go. This is one of the best locally found remedies of all kinds of viral infections like influenza and other flu, used by our pacific Island counties long in history.

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Mandy (Markham) on 11/13/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Me too, coconut oil has extremely helped my flu. My immune system has never been better!

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Mike (London) on 02/22/2017:
5 out of 5 stars

Coconut oil does work on flu and colds. I've not had a cold or flu in ten years.

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Kari (Denver, Co) on 02/23/2014:
5 out of 5 stars

I read your information about coconut oil for viruses and decided to try it this month when a nasty virus I got in February wouldn't go away. I started with 1/8th teaspoon the first couple of days and slowly made my way up to 2 teaspoons a day, one in the am and one in the pm. It took about 10 days, but I feel 100 percent better. Also as a great side effect, my skin got softer!
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WT (Spartanburg, SC) on 05/31/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

Whether it's Bird flu or the regular flu. If any virus is classified a flu virus, coconut oil will kill it.

Any flu virus is contained inside a Lipid envelope. If this membrane is ruptured the virus dies. Apparently the fats in Coconut oil lyse this membrane on contact causing it's destruction.

I used to get colds just about every year and the flu maybe every 2-3 years. Upon switching to coconut oil for cooking, I've been cold and flu free for nine years now! I've even been around others with my business who were fighting the flu and didn't catch it!

We fry stuff in it once a week or so and I try to eat fried eggs weekly for good measure!

For kids in day care you won't believe the difference it makes! Those days of them coming home with a new bug every few days will be a thing of the past!

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Mary (Nevada City) on 03/06/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I had been sick for a month and this was giving me very bad asthma. Advair did not control it. I needed albuterol several times a day. I woke up several times a night with attacks. The viral symptoms decreased very quickly once I started taking coconut oil 2-3 TABL a day. I was also taking Bee propolis which also helped with the viral load. One well cooked turnip, daily, has also helped keep my lungs loose enough to manage, and yes coffee helps when things are bad. Last but not least - I learned to breathe through my nose (unless sinuses are blocked from a cold!) This really helps to calm an attack...
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Shalom (N Stonington, CT) on 12/29/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

My family seems to always be sick. I found coconut flour and oil in March of this year and though we do still get sick it's not as often or for as long. and my Papillion LOVES it, especially for his itchy skin. Make sure it is vergin unrefined CO.
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Jay (Manila, Philippines) on 12/22/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

In the Philippines, study have shown that coconut oil can cure HIV. Test subjects were given at least 12 tablespoon of coconut oil a day, and and after 6 months, HIV have been cured. I had no time to confirm this report but the story had been featured several times in radio and tv programs.

I have been using coconut oil for years, and it has greatly helped me with my skin tone and digestive system. Some people have diarrhea right after taking coconut oil. This is normal. Doctors here say that the coconut oil helps clean our intestines and removes all toxins inside our body. The diarrhea effect is only temporary and it will last for 2 to 3 days only. I recommend to keep using it. - Jay, Manila Philippines

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David (Memphis, TN) on 11/29/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I have been taking coconut oil for five or six years now. About five years ago, my daughter,who was in college at the time, came down with mononucleosis. I overnighted her a bottle of monolaurin, the main ingredient of lauric acid, which is only found in any quantity in coconut oil and human milk. My daughter was diagnosed on a Tuesday, she got the monolaurin on Wednesday and on Friday, nine days later she had no symptoms and quit taking it. The following Monday (that's 13 days post diagnosis) she had lab work done and was completely normal. Other dorm-mates of hers had mono for months. Coconut oil, lauric acid and monolaurin supposedly lifts the lipid envelopes of lipid viruses and bacteria.

Most colds are caused by lipid enveloped viruses as are a number of major viral infections.

Just last Saturday, a friend of mine called to tell me he had a horrible cold and had made an appointment to see and ENT physician on Monday. I told him to take three tablespoons of coconut oil. When I saw him on Monday, he was obviously fine. He told me he had taken two tablespoons on Saturday and Sunday and was fine on Monday so he cancelled his doctor's appointment.

I take it all the time but every now and then I run out. Usually I will get sick when I do. Then I go get some more. It is particularly effective for sinus infections. I just snort some into my sinus cavities. Most people are amazed when I prescribe it and it works. But I have seen it happen so many times now, I just expect it to work.

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Peter (NYC) on 04/18/2006:
5 out of 5 stars

I've had a flu that lasted 3 months. I caught a terrible flu from my father, who had just come back from California. The flu would weaken, but never go away. It gave me terrible aches and pains, constant post nasal drip (but always with clear mucus, never green and infected), plugged ears, sinus aches, very low energy at times, sore throat, and very persistent. I found this site, and nearly made myself ill trying to take Apple Cider Vinegar (Heinz, without the so-called mother). But I kept taking it, and the flu still persisted. Also took lots of Vitamin C, and gargled with H. Peroxide and bubbled in ears, but still this thing wouldn't go away. Finally, I bought Coconut Oil from a local health food store, extra virgin, cold pressed, 24 hours later the flu is gone. I can hardly believe it. I guess Coconut oil is unique and resembles in some way mother's milk, which keeps nursing babies healthy. All I know is nothing else worked with this killer flu but Coconut oil, and I'm certain had I not taken it my sinuses and ears and aches would still be dragging me down.
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