Hormone Balancing Herbs for Vaginal Itching

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M_mtz (El Centro, Ca, Usa) on 04/18/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Vaginal Itch/Slight Discharge: Had the worst case which kept me awake most of the night, thought I would lose my mind! Read the posts and the ACV helped alot but I still has terrible sensation of super slight but super irritating discharge almost every 5 minutes. I remembered my mom had brought me some natural menopause pills from Mexico called posciclo containing an herb mix and took one pill and was finally able to sleep, symptoms diminished. Next night took 2 and felt no symptoms at all! So I will take one morning and one night for the next week and then one at night for a while! This must be a hormone imbalance more than anything is what I believe. Hope this helps.