Shingles Vaccine Reactions for Vaccinations


Mari (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/23/2021:
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Has anyone had a reaction to a shingles vaccine and do you know of any MD's or natural health practitioners who know how to treat a reaction to it? At the suggestion of her physician, a friend of mine had a Zostavax shot back in 2015 and within a week her head and neck started itching from these pimples that started erupting. This reaction has NOT gone away and just keeps getting worse. It's like she has had shingles for six years! Because of the number of adverse reactions to Zostavax, it was taken off the market in 2018. Knowing what she knows now, my friend has said she wished she had said "no" to the shot because if she had come down with shingles she would have been over it in a couple of months. She has tried a lot of natural and pharmaceutical treatments, but nothing really helps.

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