Probiotic With Bifidobacterium Bifidum for Ulcers

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P. Raghavan (Virudhunagar, Tn, India) on 04/20/2017
5 out of 5 stars


Peptic ulcers are mostly caused by H. Pyroli infection in the digestive system. There is an article available in the net titled " Probiotic Identified To Treat Ulcer ". According to this article, researchers from Spain identified B. Bifidum has an inhibition level of 95 % in test tube and tested its activity against H. Pylori infection in mice. After 21 days, mice treated with B. Bifidum developed fewer ulcers than the control group.

There is another article titled " Anti-ulcer effects of lactic acid bacteria and their cell wall polysaccharides " by Nagaoka et al. According to this article, B. Bifidum and B. Breve were administered orally to rats with acetic acid induced gastric ulcers. The results indicated that these bacteria provide protective systems in the gastric ulcer model.

From these articles, it is clear that B. Bifidum and B. Breve work against the bad bacteria H. Pylori and provide natural protection against H. Pylori as long as they are in sufficient numbers in the digestive system.

To cure ulcer, one need to take a multi strain probiotic capsule containing B. Bifidum and B. Breve in the morning 30 minutes before breakfast for 60 days. There are many brands of multi strain probiotic capsules containing B. Bifidum and B. Breve available online. One can select the brand based on customer ratings and reviews.

Best Wishes.

P. Raghavan.