Multiple Remedies for Ulcers

5 star (2) 

Showing Side Effects Reviews

Sammi (Atlanta) on 05/16/2017
0 out of 5 stars

I've got several ulcers and have been taking acv, slippery elm, dgl, marshmallow root, & much other natural stuff for it. Doing fine until this past weekend. All of a sudden I've gotten much worse. Now I've started having diarrhea and the dr says it's due to the acid. What can I do? I don't want to take antacids--beside being drugs, that I try to avoid, they give me side effects of insomnia and terrible leg cramps. I'm at my wits end. It seems chamomile calms the belly, but now the I'm spending too much time in the restroom while I should be working. Not good. The only change over the weekend was that I ran out of my probiotic and had only yogurt (natural, homemade) and a product called 'gut shots'.