Magnesium for Trigger Finger

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Medsec (Cincinnati) on 01/21/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I've had quite good success with magnesium oil for both the carpal tunnel and trigger finger, not immediate, but after several weeks. Still have numbness in the trigger finger (thumb).
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Toourlady89 (Ca, Usa) on 10/03/2013
5 out of 5 stars

To go back to the Magnesium suggestion: There are many forms of Magnesium.

Magnesium Oil or Mg Chloride Spray would be the better form of Magnesium for trigger finger. Apply it on to both hands as often as you can. Mg oil will have faster results thru the skin and then to the capillaries and relax the finger.

On the other hand, trigger finger could be a symptom of lack of Mg. Most of the population is unaware that most of us - 80% to 90% have Mg deficiency due to the quality of food that is available at the stores. Lack of it causes hundreds of symptoms, trigger finger being one of them.

Chelated Mg Glycinate, is a form that is best absorbed orally and will not have the undesired laxative effect .

Note that the Mg most available at the stores is Mg Oxide avoid this kind as this is a laxative. Mg Glycinate should be at health food stores and or online.