Vinegar And Water Douche for Trichomoniasis

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Earthhealer (Sacramento, California) on 10/01/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Trich is a parasite that cannot live in an acidic environment. Internal treatment is not enough.

For women, daily douching with 1/4 cup white vinegar in water plus 6-10 drops of tea tree oil does wonders to kill the itch and pain. Douche 2x daily for 1st couple days, 1x daily for next week, every other day second week & 3rd week.

Mix 1 tsp coconut oil with 4 drops tea tree and rub all over surface and especially infected areas. This will burn for a few minutes but relief comes fairly quickly.

For men: soak 2x daily in a strong infusion of pau d'arco (mix 4 Tablespoons of the herb into 1 cup boiling water. Remove from heat and steep with lid on for 15-20 min}.