Hair Loss And Wilson's Syndrome for Hair Loss

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Pr (Houston, Texas, Usa) on 04/16/2010
5 out of 5 stars

For the last year I have been experiencing hair loss and have tried every remedy on EC with no help. Hopefully I think I have finally found the answer to my problem thanks to EC and those who post here. One day someone posted info on Wilson's Syndrome and I followed up on researching it.


The short of Wilson's Syndrome is you can have all the symptoms of low thyroid but your blood work is fine. The key is low oral temperature below 98.6 on a regular basis which I had. I talked to my doctor and she said she treated this and even had a blood test to check for Wilson's syndrome. With Wilson's syndrome your body is unable to use the T3 your thyroid produces so the treatment is T3.

I have just started to take the T3 twice a day. Internet info says 12 hours apart. Also I was extremely fatigue more so than usual as I have been working on getting rid of CFS and Fibromyalgia. Actually it felt as if I had fallen into a big black hole and couldn't get out. Thanks again EC because I had not heard of Wilson's Syndrome and my doctor didn't look for it with my history of CFS and Fib.