Multiple Remedies for Tooth Enamel

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Anna (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/17/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Regenerating toddler tooth enamel:

My toddler who's enamel and teeth has been wearing away since 12 months of age, inspite of breastfeeding - even now still on breastmilk. Then when I was treating my toddler's constipation with fruits and fiber, DH developed enamel hypoplasia, and a pinhole size cavity.

After searching and researching, and some things by chance, I finally put my toddler on the following perfected protocol at around 22 months of age. The improvements can be noticed within a few days. The worn out teeth have not regrown, but for example the smallest of the enamel erosion is completely healed up, and the others shrinking in size.

Protocol that regenerated DH enamel:

Puncture the mk7 from Gold capsule and give 4 drops per day at different times (forget the butter oil - it did nearly nothing for the price, I now use the leftover as base for the mk7).
Make sure of iodine sufficiency (thyroid function important with this supplement).
gluten free diet - suspected celiac
no casein - highly sensitive to casein which severely disturbs digestive tract
Jarrow's Bone Up (based on microcrystaline hyroxyapatite) - open 4 capsules in 2 divided doses (trying to stay near 1000 mgs dietary calcium intake)
Great Lakes collagen hydrolysate - around 2 tablespoon daily

hemp milk for base drink with coconut oil - great amino acid profile and healing seed
Squigle Tooth Builder Sensitive Toothpaste
on fermented cod liver oil since before tooth problems - it did not prevent the problems at all (maybe you can replace with fish oil vitamin a and vitamin d, which are a must)

REPLY   5      

Heather (Seattle, Wa) on 03/19/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Agree with the cod liver oil remedy! After taking it, fermented or otherwise, my cavities were reversed and haven't come back after 4plus years. The fat-soluble vitamins A & D help to remineralize all your bones, including your teeth. I also reduced my refined sugar consumption, and ate plain full fat yogurt for breakfast daily... Probiotics, calcium, healthy fats, and fat-soluble vitamins = healthy, strong teeth and gums.

I don't brush every day, and I floss maybe 1x/week. The dentist says my mouth flora is in great shape, and I don't have obvious plaque issues (visible lines of it at the gumline). Heal your teeth from the inside out! I have also gotten all my amalgam fillings replaced with porcelain composits many years ago (pretty sure amalgams cause gum receeding).

BTW- the weston price foundation is awesome! Finally someone has the courage to speak the truth!

REPLY   11      

Clear Roshi (Pahoa, Hawaii, Usa) on 04/26/2012
5 out of 5 stars

My relevant background is chemistry, nuitrition, physiology, and healing (many areas).

After research, personal success, and trying lots of products these are some ways to heal teeth:

1) ADEQUATE CALCIUM: The body needs surplus calcium to heal teeth. If there is not excess calcium the teeth. On most people will not heal. If a person is decalcified, then this will slow/stop the process. The first place to decalcify is generally the lower jaw. A seasoned healer (or just a sensitive person) can learn to feel this just by squeezing the lower jaw to test the bone density. If a person wants to learn this: do not be distracted by shape;feel lots of peoples jaws until a sense of what a good density feels like is obtianed. In order to get more calcium the diet:

a) Use plant sourced calcium internally; using lots off mineral sourced calcium internally just risks confusing the body and can lead to problems. The supplemnet (pill) should have more Mg than Ca, and also vitiamin K. Best if the pills are perodically sucked on in the mouth. Placing a pill in the mouth before bed is also excellecent, as it slowly dissolves through the night.

b) DIET: Soak all grains and sprouts in water with ca/mg/ other minerals. This removes the harmful grain qualites (phytic acic) and the grains will take in the ca/mg and other minerals. The grain must be whole and alive for this to work; so avoid oatmeal/oats most especially; avoid other prepared grains; use only sprouted grain breads and products. Eat high calcium foods, avoid foods with oxalic acids (spinach and beets), don't eat excessive amounts of protiens (in any form). Get adeqaute quality oils which contian vit. E and omega oils. Ghee or raw butter (which has vitament K). Avoid very acidic foods and sweets... This is essential!! If you do use these, imediatily cleanse mouth. Or/and, have sweets and acids in forms which do not have to be chewed and so can be kept away from the teeth. Minerlize water (don't over do it... strongly reccomend pure water first thing in the morning; minerilize water drunk at other times).

c)BATHING: Don't bath excessivily, unless water is mineralized , avoid cholrinated water. In bath water add your piss (highest recomnedation, these creates a positive biofeedback loop and helps in healing almost anything), ca/mg supplement (mineral source), and MSM. It doesn't take much of the last two, say a spoonful of the ca/mg, and a teaspoon of MSM. Seawater is also a good cheap add. These substances are absorbed via the skin.

2) ABSORPTION: More important than the supplementation, as it doesn't matter how much is taken if it dosen't uptake. The proper use of oils, including essential oils, is essential. If mixed in meals, or held/swiched in mouth with supplements these oils greatly increase mineral uptake. Try also lots of vitamin C (buffered, good quality); up to 1000mg/hr. It is also imperative that the bowels and kidneys be cleansed/functional. It terms of the bowels... Reserch it; avoid or be very moderate with enemas (to much mineral lose and disturbance of potassium coating of large intestine). In terms of the kidneys... Stop eating salt!! If your piss tastes like salt (put finger in the stream and lick finger to tase) then it's too much salt. If a person never adds salt to anything they will most likely still get way more salt than needed. If salt is craved, then use powdered seaweed, straight seaweed, or at least have the salt cooked in food or/and added in liquid form. Once enough minerals are ontained salt cravings usually receed.

3) CLEANING TEETH: At least once every six hours (except at night, and even then if possible). A little bit of powder, mouth spray, oil, etc. Held in the mouth every few hours makes it very difficult for harmful elements to take hold. Conventional toothpaste, don't use it. Use tooth powders, remineralization powders, probiotic tooth powders (w/ natural xyilitol), essentiual oils, etc. Uncle ____ makes excellent prducts. Before bed swish and hold in strong essdential oils; this will usually last in the mouth till morning and keep anything from taking hold at night.

Brushing, be careful. Brush mostly gums, not teeth. Excess brushing on teeth strips enamel and slows healing. Do not be concerned about color of teeth or stains on teeth; be concered about mainatianing a healthy envirionment in the mouth. Better to hold/swish tooth products in mouth as long as possible, then swallow. If the product can't be swallowed, then don't use it (note: many products say to spit out because the FDA makes them; the small amounts of mineral ca in these products is fine; don't use huge amount of powder out at once, do a little bit as often as possible).

Water pic, be carefull. Be gentle. Agian, there is the potential to do more harm than good it done to deeply to often. Anyway, if a person is often holding tooth products in the mouth this tends to deal with most chunks.

Flossing, agian be mindful, be gentle. Do it.

Hardwood tooth pics with essential oils, excellent, more for the chewing on. This gives a slow release of oils, and the act of chewing helps them to pentrate deeper as well as encourging the teeth to grow. If the toothpic is broken in half (or use two toothpics) then both sides of the jaw can be active at once. Be careful of splinters! If the other tooth care products are added, then this is mostr awesome; the oils can be felt up in the sinuses, if they are strong enough. Or simply squeeze the jaw to get some effect. Strongly reccomend sautrating tothpics with one's own oils and medcine (ie: eucalyptus, myrhh, frankencinse, wintergreen, tea tree, pepermint, clove.. Etc; black walnut tinctrue). With healing enamel, it's all about keeping on top of it all the time.

4)MEDICINE: Black walnut. I think everything else will work without the black walnut, yet somehow this seems to speed the process more than anything else. Suggest put the ticture, dilluted), in a glass spray bottle and use by: 1) accumlate slavia in mouth 2) spray on tounge. Do not get strong (over 6%) alcohol on teeth as this can impair healing. The b. W. Should be stong enough to taste it (if you can taste it you will not waste it). Of course, if a person is careful, the straight tincture can be sprayed in the mouth, though it seems easier to dillute is down to 20% alcohol or less. For just a general mouth spray (or kids), dillute it to 3% alcohol or less, and try to keep the initial spray off the teeth. Or just dillute the tincture in water. The sprays are more cost effective because a little bit goes further (since the spray is held in the mouth); and also the spray promotes salavation.

Not sure why the black walnut works so well... if anyone knows, let me know.

Although I will check back into this sight for the next month (MAY, 2012), all the needed information is online. I've tried to aviod any certian recomendation--because eveverone is so different.

Good luck,

Aloha--- clear roshi m

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Vandu (Silver Spring, Md) on 02/27/2012
5 out of 5 stars

UPDATE: I read Cure Tooth Decay, by Ramiel Nagel, and was able to regrow my teeth enamel by

1) stopping the oatmeal. Three days later I noticed more enamel!

2) adding more bone broths to my diet. I actually see a difference, esp with fish bone broth.

3) limiting chocolate, improperly prepared whole grains (which is almost all), sugary foods, nuts, beans, and coffee. I have these foods occasionally but if too much, I notice teeth sensitvity. I also don't eat too much super sweet fruit. most things like berries, granny smith, grapefruit. etc.

4) other foods that have been a helpful part of my diet are grassfed dairy, and pastured eggs and meat.