Red Clover Tea for Tooth Abscess

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Noelle (Minneapolis, Minnesota, Usa) on 08/26/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Tooth Abcess

Try Red Clover tea. One teaspoon of Red Clover in a strainer or infuser, pour boiling water over it in a cup to cover, steep at least 7 minutes. One cup twice a day; after the pain dies down take one cup once a day. This one is very effective. I held off the pain of an abcessed tooth for 5 months with just Red Clover. When it was finally pulled the tooth turned out to be the biggest honkin' double abcess I'd ever seen and the surgeon was pretty impressed, too. I would have kept the tooth and mounted it, but it's illegal to give that to the patient in the state of Minnesota. When I had the tooth pulled, I used no antibiotics, just 12 garlic capsules and 3 dropperfuls of Olive Leaf per day. Look ma, no infection!