Pyrogenium (homeopathic Remedy) for Tooth Abscess

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Nmx (Mn) on 11/29/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Homeopathy to the rescue again...... I have suffered with weak dental roots for years and have paid dearly for it.... and often found that the antibiotics the doctors used to help one tooth would harm another tooth... But after years of forking over hundreds of dollars for a root canal.... I finally found a miracle cure which dentists won't want you to know about... I haven't needed a root canal since. A few years back, after having to have a surgical root canal - because the dentist had broken off a tool in my root when he performed the initial root canal... I developed an infection after the surgery... my Dr. gave me Doxycycline for the infection... it stripped my digestive tract and turned it into "acid city"... Doxy was horrible and made me very acidic for the first time in my life. After a few days it still wasn't getting rid of the infection... I looked thru a book on "Dental Homeopathy" and found a little known remedy for tooth infections... Pyrogenium (9-12x or c)... Within one day the infection was gone. Now if I ever feel any twinging in a tooth that might mean I have an infection in my tooth... I immediately take Pyrogenium and the pain goes away... I've avoided a few expensive root canals thanks to Pyrogen.... Pass it on...

To show you how bad it is... my regular dentist sent me to an endodontist because he saw an irregularity in my root (this was many years ago)... the "expert endodontist" said I needed a root canal... He charged me $800 for it... When I went back to my regular dentist...he said there was still a problem... so I went back to endodontist... he proclaimed that it actually was a cracked root, not an infected tooth and the moron actually was going to make me pay him again to do a root canal.... I've pretty much given up on dentists and find my own cures... For $7.00 you can heal your roots not destroy them with a root canal... Also Calc Fluor is another homeopathy that claims to rebuild teeth... so you may not even need fillings... I haven't had a chance to try this but you might want to.