Oil Pulling for Tooth Abscess

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NA (Florida, USA) on 10/21/2020
5 out of 5 stars

Oil pulling helped prevent infection and healed cracked tooth

I cracked the tooth of a molar when eating a nut. The dentist x-rayed it and it confirmed the crack on the film. The dentist wanted me to have a root canal immediately. One of his staff took me aside after the consult and said to not get the root canal, citing how young I was and that root canals can lead to bone loss and other complications down the road. I was told to treat it like any other broken bone by not using the tooth. For several months I chewed only on the good side of my mouth. I was shown how to floss tying a knot in the floss and pulling it all the way through so that it would not disturb the root.

I did some research and began oil pulling. I also brushed my teeth with a drop of straight thieves oil (essential oils of cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, and lemon mixed, and just one drop of it) or applied it straight to the gum. After a few months I noticed improvement, although the tooth would click when I pushed it with my tongue. The staff member I initially spoke with said that was probably the ligament and it was healing still.

When I returned and got new x-rays a couple of years later, there was no sign of the break. I am so grateful to that staff member for telling me not to get a root canal. I believe that the oil pulling helped prevent any infection since there was none to begin with. I no longer brush with normal toothpaste.

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Pete (Lancaster Pa) on 07/03/2017
5 out of 5 stars

I'm on vacation in Indiana when I get an abscessed tooth. Hurt like heck, throbbing and I looked like I had a gumball in my mouth. Being Sunday on 4th of July weekend I couldn't call my dentist for a antibiotic script and didn't want some rookie emergency dentist who got stuck working on holidays.

I tried oil pulling. I used coconut oil with a few drops of peppermint oil and frankincense. In 24 hours it was reduced in size by 75% and pain was totally manageable with ibuprofen. (I tried a homeopathic version of a pain killer that didn't work for me)

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Tennessee Denise (Granville, Tn) on 06/03/2016
5 out of 5 stars

I've had a broken tooth for awhile and it eventually became infected. Tried the Hydrogen Peroxide treatment and along with clove oil, it did lessen the pain. After a few days the pain started to get more intense and I thought, ok, guess I'll have to go to the dentist and spend a fortune. Instead I decioded to give the oil pull using sesame oil a try. In one 3 minute "swish" the pain was gone, swelling in face was gone after the second swish! I was amazed. 4 Days later with swishing the oil no more than 4 minutes, twice per day, my infection is gone. I will continue with the oil pulling as it makes my gums and mouth feel so much cleaner. I am sure it is detoxing anything bad in my mouth. There is certainly something to be said for the "old way of doing things".
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Elizabeth Wangui (Kenya) on 11/08/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I had a tooth abscess in June, this Nov 2015 it came again. I got oil pulling 3 times that night amazingly in the morning it had subsided and the pain gone only a small swelling on my upper jaw, one day later it has gone am still using the oil until I complete the dose I was given by a Masaai herbman.
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Angelia Kimberly (Az) on 09/22/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Oh Bri, You are awesome!

I have an abscessed tooth accompanied by a swollen face, headache and my left ear is thinking about hurting :)

I started with the garlic clove last night and my oh my did it burn. I chewed as much as I could stand and spit the juice out and immediately drank some room temp. water.

I did this a couple times and then nibbled on my lil garlic clove allowing pieces of it to rest in my tooth and gum line.

I went to bed and awoke this morning to less pain and less swelling.

Trying it again tonight but definitely looking forward to op!

So THANKS to ALL of YOU!!!

I can now start my new job!!!

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Su (Nyc) on 04/26/2015
5 out of 5 stars

I read somewhere that olive oil has special qualities that really help with oral infection, so I am also using that for oil pulling. It seems to "pull out" more than the coconut oil.
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Laurus (California) on 06/26/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I would like to share my first experience with Oil Pulling

June 19,2014 2014

Started Oil Pulling I started late in the evening for severe tooth pain I was able to get in three 20 minute OP sessions my whole bottom left jaw is swollen with a ball and in severe pain, I am crying its so bad I cannot handle it I must take medicine even though I am very hyper sensitive to all medication and I'm scared to take it but I know I must there is just no way out of it the pain outweighs the fear, the gum in the back of my tooth is brown and purplish blackish I also have a hole where a root canal was done on the next tooth (molar) but never crowned.

June 20 2014 Oil pulling every 2-4 hours . I woke up about 5 am feeling dizzy and disoriented And weak I feel really scared and panicky I thought it was from my hypoglycemia but I checked my sugar three times and it was not low (I was in disbelief but the meter is accurate) so I got something to eat anyway , I talked myself calm, and I put myself to sleep I feel very warm I turn the air down. To 67 degrees I Oil Pulled for 20 minutes. In the morning the pain was less I was relieved but by mid day the pain was just as intense as the day before I had to take pain medication again because it is unbearable I was crying but I'm keeping up with the oil pulling, its hard to rest the pain keeps waking me up

June 21 2014 Still oil pulling every couple of hours but I added 2 pressed large cloves of garlic to the olive oil 4 oz. this however was quite strong and it burned in my mouth it was quite spicy so I added 4 more oz. to the glass of olive oil this was just right even maybe a little weak I will adjust with a little more garlic next time, I am also rinsing with sea salt water after the pulling, I also put a cabbage poultice on my cheek but I can only stand this from 2-5 minutes because it burns my skin and I cannot tolerate it for long but I keep at it several times a day. it is night and I have an unbearable headache So much pressure I can't even rest my head on the pillow because the pressure is just too much to bear, every time I turn my head it makes me dizzy and I feel nauseated this is bad I take medicine again.

June 22 2014 The pain is less intense now it's still there but tolerable I won't be taking any more medicine the swelling is subsiding I am grateful for this but there is still a ball right above the jaw line and still swollen but not as much but like I said getting smaller I am still oil pulling about every 3 to 4 hours now still with a sea salt rinse and a tooth brushing after I am able to get up walk around a bit now but still weak, it's 9:44pm now I added a fresh carrot, apple, lettuce juice now for two days I feel I will sleep better tonight as I can lay my head on the pillow now and rest, my cheek has been tingling now for two days I can feel the infection moving around and dissipating it feels a bit tingly a bit like a moving around tingly feeling like when dental anesthetic is wearing off I feel it through the left cheek, jaw, and lower lip, I will oil pull one more time before I fall asleep I also looked at my gum and the very back of it is now a pinkish color and midway is still brownish purplish blackish but I feel seeing some pink gum is a good sign I am feeling hopeful

June 23 2014 Slept ok pain is better still slightly swollen it's just sore to the touch now and when I open my mouth , there is a very slight chronic pain but it's even more tolerable, I'm in better spirits, I'm going to OP. it's 10am now I just checked my gums they are more pinkish but I see a really deep pocket behind my last molar and inside and slightly around it, it is still brownish purplish. for the past three days to describe the gum pain I'm experiencing is like my gums were scraped by the dental hygienist just the bottom lower left and bottom front and also upper left corner this includes the front and back side of the gums. It's 10:40 pm now and I feel a little more pain maybe because I'm getting tired and want to rest I don't know but the swelling is still going down I'm going to oil pull now after I eat a banana. It's 11:20 now I'm done with my regiment and was looking at my gum it's the same and I was also looking at my tongue which I noticed while brushing it has little raised bumps towards the back there's just a little and there the color of my tongue and do not hurt but I thought was strange and even stranger yet I noticed my tonsils my right side was half it's usual size I didn't even know they were swollen all of my life , but. throughout my childhood I had a lot of tonsil infections but I thought I overcame this as I grew older but I am surprised to see the right one is half it's size, that it has been all my life , the left is still I guess swollen hmmm. The pain is better now

June 24 2014 The pain deep down inside my jaw is gone (yay) but I still have slight pain around the gum line (it feels like a dental gum scraping still) but it is very tolerable there is still slight swelling but you really wouldn't notice only if I pointed it out, feeling good throughout the day my energy is up and I feel like there is a fog lifting I feel more alert and happy but not just because of the teeth issue I have Lupus and complications from lupus, hypoglycemia, CFS, Reynauds, erythromelalgia, I only oil pulled 4 times today,

June 25 2014 I slept better last night I can barley feel the ball on my cheek now, absolutely no pain right now. I OP 4 times today always 20 minute sessions, there is virtually no pain now.

June 26 2014 No pain at all yay! And just a slight bump near my jaw bone the back of my gum is nearly all light pink except inside the pocket but it's getting a lighter color I will continue to oil pull at least 4 times today and everyday for one year to see if my overall health improves and I will be trying sesame oil next as well as sunflower and coconut I am very excited and convinced it is helping me I have experienced great results so far I am very hopeful!

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Anonymous (Mccomb, Mississippi) on 08/28/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I have been having trouble with my teeth hurting for some time now, the extreme sensitivity has been for maybe 2-3 weeks. I have been brushing my teeth with baking soda. I was afraid that maybe my mouth was becoming too alcalyne, so I started rinsing with vinegar, diluted in water. That helped a little bit.

The last several nights, I was having a lot of trouble sleeping, I'd wake up in terrible pain. My teeth would be shooting pain all in my head and mouth. Last night, I got up and went to the bathroom in the middle of the night, trying to figure out what to do for it. I walked past a bottle of oil I had sitting there. I believe that God told me to take some of that oil and pull it, so I did. I didn't know that oil could help it, but I was ready to try about anything. I had heard of oil pulling, and had tried it for other things, but not that.

I don't know what all kind of oil I have in that mix. I make up mixes for various things. That mix I'd made up to apply topically to my husband's feet, so that he wouldn't have to take it orally. But had discontinued using it for that. I suppose that it has fish oil, pumpkin oil, cod liver oil, flax seed oil, evening primrose oil, and saw palmetto oil in it. These were all oils that I took out of the softgel capsules. I would guess that it also has almond oil, and/or grapeseed oil, and/or safflower oil. I have a bunch of carrier oils that I use to carry my essential oils. That's what I mixed in. God is just amazing. I am constantly amazed that he made a thing as amazing as oil. I am thankful for the night's sleep. I am thankful to be pain-free.

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Ahulani (Little River, Ca, USA) on 08/18/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I used 1 Tbs sunflower oil for 15 minutes yesterday morning for an abscessed tooth and by evening I could eat, although there was some discomfort still (I hadn't been able to close my mouth in the morning it was so painful.) By this morning the pain was almost gone and is now completely gone!!! And, in addition, some brown spots on my hand are fading. I am really amazed and will continue to see how else I benefit. Oddly (or not depending on how you see it) I picked out sesame oil to begin the treatment and the salesperson while talking to me and showing me some other things, "accidently" replaced the sesame with the sunflower. So, I am going with this gift!

Melinda (Macungie, PA) on 10/21/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I learned about Oil Pulling from your website and I feel so thankful for this wonderful treatment. I had an abscess under a tooth in my mouth that would not go away. I had tried antibiotics twice and it just went away for a while and came back. The last time I had an abscess I needed to have the tooth pulled and an implant put in - lots of pain and money.

I started oil pulling - for the first 2 weeks twice a day and then once a day. The abscess looked better and better but did not go away. Daily i would clean out any accumulated pus, and eventually i only had to do that every 3 days or so. Then - one morning after 2 months of this - when I went to clean it out to my great surprise a small bubble came out - the outside was clear and inside was a bright grass green color. After that day, the abscess completely healed. It has been three months and everything is just fine. Thank you so much for the information that you post here. I used 1 tablespoon of Cold Pressed Sesame Oil and I added a few drops of Oregano Oil to it for oil pulling. I am still oil pulling, switching types of oil every few months.

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