Multiple Remedies for Tooth Abscess

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Gokhals (San Francisco, Ca, Usa) on 02/28/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Had toothache of terrible intensity a couple of weeks ago. I bit hard on some food at our local farmer's market. My third molar, which has been sensitive for several years due to harsh scratching of the enamel near my gumline by an overzealous (and possibly blind) dentist, just got twisted in a funny way, and a bolt of pain shot through my top and lower jaw.

I ignored it, thinking it would go away. Two days later, it had built up into a throbbing flame on the left side of my face. After one bad experience with a dentist, I did not want to risk it again. Also, I did not want to eat antibiotics, expose myself to xrays, do toxic fillings or root canals.

So I tried the whole combination of remedies listed at earthclinic, starting with raw garlic. Oy! The Allicin bowled me over with its own heat, but the throbbing went away soon as I chomped on the garlic. I reeked of garlic at work, but the effect on the pain was amazing. When I was not chewing garlic, I had cloves clutched between my teeth. Three times a day, I swished concentrated salt water around my mouth, drank my morning tea with a teaspoon of turmeric and raw cream; drank warm milk at night with another large spoonful of turmeric, ate two table spoons of cold pressed flax seed oil daily after I swished it around my hurting tooth. From time to time, I also did some Ayurvedic style oil pulling with either coconut oil or flaxseed oil (the flax seed oil seems to work better). I commenced eating 1. 5 tsp of fermented cod liver oil twice daily. In addition, I was gently brushing my teeth with baking soda and/or coconut oil, drinking nourishing broths, resting the inflamed, side (from chewing), sleeping a good 8-9 hours nightly and sitting out in the warm sun when I could.

By the end of day 7 my pain was gone, the infection was gone. I will continue turmeric in warm raw milk for a week. I will continue to give my tooth 'chewing rest' for another week. My face is not hurting, my gums feel better, and my complexion has become remarkably smooth.

I will now make an active attempt to remineralize my scraped enamel and take better care of my gums.

I wanted to thank you all for generously donating your cures here at Earthclinic. Dr. Hal Huggins by the way is a remarkable doctor. I recommend all his books, podcasts and articles.

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Zach (Anon, Indiana) on 11/14/2012
5 out of 5 stars

This along w/ Baking Soda and Salt helped. Here is what happened

Tuesday-Friday - Sinus infection, near the end of it on Friday, an abscess tooth popped up, pain started Friday night. Took 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen for pain before bed.

Saturday - Intense pain, gums above tooth hurt to the touch. Minor inflammation, took 2 x 200mg Iburprofen, once at noon, another at 10p. M. Swelling increased before bed.

Sunday - Abscess bubble formed above tooth, intense pain, 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen for pain, once at noon, once before bed. Inflamation increased, spread to side of mouth, under nose and slightly under eye.

Monday - Intense pain again, 2 x 200mg Ibuprofen twice at same times for pain. I read about the garlic treatment and attempted to do it. Held 1/4" piece between gum and cheek. 5 minutes of intense pain, then subsided, held for 30 minutes in total. Felt no more pain in tooth. Abscess bubble increased, and multiple ones formed. Inflammation increased in same areas.

Tuesday - No Ibuprofen today. Did the garlic again for 30 minutes on my drive to work. Again, no pain in my tooth, but pain at bubbles and felt like inflammation was getting worse. Entire left fact hurt to the touch. Attempted to pop bubbles w/ a needle but nothing came out, became scared and almost went to emergency room for penicilin. Heard about a solution to pop abscess. It was taking a cotton ball, putting equal parts of Baking Soda & Sea Salt on bubbles (not on teeth though). First application at 7 p. m. for 20 minutes. Gums had turned white, and pain had increased in area. 2nd application of same at 8 until 10:30. Gums so swollen, it hurt to shove the cotton ball inbetween my cheek and gum. Woke up at 3:30 in the morning, 3 abscess bubbles had all popped, and started draining into my mouth (gross). Instantly rinsed mouth out w/ Sea Salt and Hot Water. Drained bubbles best I could for 10 minutes. Went to sleep.

Wednesday. Woke up at 7. Both abscess bubbles were completely gone (not to mention a bitter taste of poison in my mouth) Rinsed again w/ salt water. Inflammation almost gone (from my left side being so swollen, I could see it from my eye) These two things did wonders for everything and I highly recommend it.

Not saying some should not seek medical attention (I was close to going to the emergency room) But spending $600 to be told what is wrong, as oppose to $20 to solve everything (naturally I might add, minus the Ibuprofen). This is a good solution. Please spread this to anybody suffering from an abscess tooth.

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Kris (Burlington, Vermont) on 10/11/2007
5 out of 5 stars

My tooth that had a filling in it broke apart and all that's left is the filling that's stuck in the gum. Anyway, it started hurting hours ago, so I did 3 things:

1) Drank a cup of my own urine. I held my nose and drank it quickly. This is a known cure.

2) Took an ice cold shower for one minute. I'm in Burlington, Vermont, and it's October, so it was very cold. This is hydrotherapy. After the cold shower, I slowly turned the water to warm but kept my head away from the water. A wonderful feeling of relaxation came over me.

3) Visited your site and saw that baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) was recommended for tooth/gum pain. So I poured about a tablespoon of it on my hand and put it right on the tooth/gum where it hurts. Minutes later, the pain left.

Thank you for your website. You are a blessing for doing this! Praise God for your efforts because you're helping people get well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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