Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda for Tooth Abscess

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Lynn (Vero, Florida) on 03/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I suffer from horrible absesses. Pain almost as bad as giving birth. I had a molar pulled 2 years ago due to one that I had left untreated.

I also gave up on comercial toothpaste. I started using ONLY baking soda to brush all my teeth. I was advised by my last periodontist to brush UP and DOWN, not side to side. Side to side brushing causes gum irritation and eventually will cause receeding. Mine have. Start at the gums and brush down ( for your bottom teeth you'll actually be brushing UP :)

I will actually wet my brush with HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, then dip into the BSoda. Now I will begin the brushing. I do this several times a day, even in the car while driving.

In conjuntction, I use those little plastic flossers found at the dollar store, as much as possible thru-out the day, in the car, at work, in front of the computer, on the phone, etc. You can HP rinse any time of the day as well. A quick swish and your done.

I have not had an absess (infection) in over 10 years since the first one. Once you get an absess, or even something as common as a toothache, your tooth may be damaged and should NEVER be ignored. Getting rid of the pain is a temporary fix. The problem is still there, and by ignoring it, you are putting yourself at risk of serious infections going in the bloodstream, and/or brain. I read of a man who died from a tooth absess finding its way into the brain. After I heard that, I stopped ignoring all tooth pain.

The general health of your entire body is connected to oral hygiene.

Bypass the Colgate. Try the BS/HP brush and wash instead... You won't regret it, you'll save alot of money, your teeth will be whiter and your overall health will be better. TRUST ME, an experienced absessor!