Acidophilus for White Coated Tongue

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Magnus (Ca) on 03/28/2014
5 out of 5 stars

I suffered from very bad halitosis for 10+ years. I could clear a small room 30 minutes after brushing my teeth. I would get a metallic taste in my mouth, and white tongue coating. I went to several doctors and dentists, ENT's, but they couldn't help.

I started searching on the internet and after years of trial and error, I found a process that keeps it at bay, and ironically I live a much healthier and happier lifestyle now because of my bad breath.

I found out it was candida that was causing the halitosis and I read up on that. There is a ton of info online about the candida diet that I wont go into here. Some people go hard core into it but I made a few changes in my diet and am also aware of things that can cause a candida outbreak. In general I stay away from sugars, alcohol, cigarettes and vinegar.

Now for the products I use. I found that toothpaste that does not have sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) works best because it does not dry my mouth. Also I stay away from alcohol based mouth washes for the same reason.

I carry a travel toothbrush (the ones that fold) and a small tube of toothpaste if I go out at night. I have one in my car and at the office, and I brush after every meal.

I use a sugar free xylitol gum after I brush my teeth to bring some moisture back into my mouth. Xylitol also makes it difficult for the candida to stick to surfaces of your mouth.

This was my system for several years and it was fairly effective but I still knew I had bad breath several times a day and had to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth, then chew xylitol gum. Even then, sometimes it would come right back, requiring 5 or more trips to the bathroom during an evening out and not feeling "kissably confident".

What really brought my confidence back was Acidophilus. At first I took pills, and they helped but the most effective product I have found is a liquid Acidophilus probitic. I think it is because it coats my tongue, and throat. It really, really helps. Probably more than anything else, but its not a cure and won't do it alone.

So now after each meal, I brush my teeth with SLS free toothpaste, use alcohol free mouth wash, then swish 2 table spoons of acidophilus yogurt in my mouth and swallow. If my mouth gets dry I use xylitol gum. I stay away from sugars, alcohol, vinegar and cigarettes, and after 10 years of embarrassment, trial and error I finally have my bad breath under control.

If I don't do the above it comes right back, but my lifestyle is much healthier, and my confidence is SO much higher! It took me many years to refine this system, I can only hope it helps someone else with this dreadful problem.

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Claire (Boston, Ma) on 05/15/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Acidophilus helped me cure a white tongue. It took about a month of taking a high count of acidophilus first thing in the morning and last thing at night before I saw results. What makes it come back: Dairy! Hydrogen peroxide helps clear the tongue, but probiotics and diet changes necessary.
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Sonya (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 04/30/2013
5 out of 5 stars

I followed the advice of David from Boston and it is truly working alongside with I began oil pulling twice a day as well as brushing my teeth with baking soda, sea salt and peroxide. The change happened over nite once I used the probiotic exactly how he explains it. THANKS A MILLION, DAVID!!!!!!
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Jon Jon (New York, Ny) on 12/22/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Wow!!! This worked instantly. I feel better too. I had a nasty white film on my tongue for weeks. I tried the peroxide for 2 weeks to no avail. I bought some acidophilus for 10 bucks at the drug store and followed the instructions. BOOM Gone! Thanks!
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Michelle (Washington, Dc) on 11/04/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Acidophlus (probiotics) works but it has to be the right kind. I tried salt and glycerin which worked only temporarily. I'm also taking oil of oregano, so it might be helping probiotics to remove the white coating...
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David (Boston, Ma) on 10/09/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Fantastic overnight results by using a small amount of probiotic dissolved in a spoonful of water and flooded over the tongue. I've been taking probiotics regularly with no effect, but this method introduces the probiotic strains in mouth, tongue and throat, instead of down in the gut.

The Cure: Brush teeth. Open a high-potency probiotic capsule. Dump a small amount (about 1/4 the contents) into a tablespoon of water and stir to dissolve. Reseal the capsule and swallow it as normal. Now take the tblspoon of dissolved probiotic and let it flood over your tongue and down your throat. Swallow. Go to bed. Observe pink tongue in morning.

I have no idea as yet whether this will have a lasting effect -- but I'll gladly do this daily if needed. This is the first time in a very long while that I have not had a white tongue without vigorous brushing, scraping and gagging... and THAT method was never more than partially successful.

High potency Probiotics are usually found in a refrigerator case in pharmacy or healthfood store (e. g. Wholefoods).

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Oleo (Orlando, Florida) on 04/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

After using so many over the counter products and prescribed Rx's, finally I am feeling content.. After using acidophilus for two days I have noticed a great improvement in my tongue. It is worth to mention that I also feel a better taste in my mouth. Am considering taking a daily dose for at least a month and then see if I have a recurrent episode.
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anon (Bronx, Ny) on 04/09/2012
5 out of 5 stars

This did it for me! I have had a white tongue basically my whole life. Nothing helped. After reading this, I went to a natural foods store and bought the most probiotic-filled probiotic I could find. I checked every label and got one with the most variety of probiotics (I can post the exact label and content if someone needs). It was in the refridgerated section, and came as a powder. I'm not going to lie, it was a lot more money than I felt like spending! You can just take the powder straight, or mix with water or juice. It tastes kind of like graham crackers. After the first day, I didn't see a difference, and was a little discouraged. But after maybe 4 days, while brushing, I realized that my tongue was a beautiful, healthy red-pink! It's been like that ever since. It's so frustrating having a white tongue when you know you're healthy and hygenic. I think it's just caused by a natural imbalance of oral flora, and the probiotic stabilizes the environment. I highly recommend this solution! And thank you to the OP!
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Drr (Fort Washington, Pa) on 05/10/2011
5 out of 5 stars

It worked amazingly well. After trying many things including Apple Cider Vinegar, I saw a huge improvement after one time with the acidophilus. I have not been on antibiotics in years, but it still worked. Well worth a try.
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Noodles (Houston, Tx) on 04/01/2011
5 out of 5 stars

I figured out the cure. I had years of white tongue that reeked out bad breath within 10 or 15 min of me brushing my teeth. No kidding. Now I have a semi pink tongue with only two days of me brushing with "the cure" ...........
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