Citronella Essential Oil for Tinnitus

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Notsonosy (Singapore) on 06/17/2018
5 out of 5 stars

I had been suffering from tinnitus for about 2 years. I used to hear a roaring-booming noise like "ommm, ommm, ommm, ommmm" mostly in my right ear. Even stroking my right chin towards the right ear aggravated it. I thought it could be phlegm becoming lodged in my inner ear cavity because in the past during a cold or bout of a runny nose I did encounter this issue to a lesser degree and expelling the phlegm by inhaling forcefully and spitting out the phlegm brought about relief. But not anymore. My tinnitus had become chronic and I was desperate and troubled. In enclosed spaces like a restaurant with poor acoustics when family members and many other people were chatting away close by I felt "drowned" and kind of tormented, being bombarded by so much noise even while others were enjoying themselves. I reckoned it could be phlegm stubbornly lodged in the inner ear cavity caused by a runny nose for some time. In Chinese medicine, tinnitus is often traced to phlegm. Yes, so I consulted 2 TCM physicians but to no avail. I also tried other methods like stretching my earlobes, massaging them with essential oils, using a pharmaceutical nasal spray for blocked nostrils without much avail. I also drank Atractylodes decoction to fight internal dampness. That resolved the tinnitus for a time like a few months and I was elated. But the problem returned. Then one day because of sneezing and runny nose I decided to stop it with Citronella Essential Oil instead of taking Chlorpheniramine an anti-histamine pill that although could help my sneezing and runny nose had the side effect of making me drowsy.

This is what I did.

I folded a handkerchief into a 1 and a half inches width and poured a few drops of Citronella Essential Oil on it. I laid down on my bed and placed the handkerchief over my nose in contact with the oil. I breathed in and out through the handkerchief for half an hour. I felt the sting of the Citronella fumes in my sinuses, so I controlled my inhaling to prevent too much pain. But other than that there was no harm experienced by me by inhaling this oil. Anyway, after half hour of such inhalation, I experienced a discharge of watery mucus from my nostrils like having a cold. I sensed something good about it. I cleared my nose. After that my tinnitus of 2 years was gone for good! Imagine after despairing for so long and searching here and there on the Internet for a cure, I bumped into one myself. And this happened like 10 months ago and the tinnitus has never returned. I am completely cured.

Now let me try to conjecture why I got that kind of tinnitus and why the said treatment worked. I believe in the past I had not nipped my frequent runny nose in the bud by taking medicine (like anti-histamine pills which I was not aware of in those days) to suppress it but had allowed it to fester so that phlegm had collected in the inner ear. This, in turn, promoted the rise of bacteria and/or viruses of whatever kinds I cannot tell. And like the BIOFILM which some scientists have found in intestines of IBS sufferers, BIOFILM (aka mucus or phlegm in common lingo) becomes a very strong castle-like habitat of bacteria and viruses.I believe it is the same with phlegm lodged in the inner ear cavity. So when I inhaled the Citronella Essential Oil it penetrated the phlegm and effectively killed these bad bacteria and inactivated any viruses. I write this in the hope that some sufferers might benefit from this testimony. If your tinnitus is caused by a history of rhinitis (runny nose, sneezing, mucus, cough) then it is possible this method might help.

Good Luck!

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