Apple Cider Vinegar for Thyroid Issues

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G (Sydney) on 08/04/2016:
1 out of 5 stars

ACV did absolutely nothing for the Graves Disease/Hyperthyroidism I was suffering. Only 15ml of Borax solution in a glass of water, 4 times time a day (minimum) settled it right down, reduced my once perpetually swollen thyroid back down to normal size and allows me to sleep at least once every 24 hours (instead of going up to 4 straight days without sleep).
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Bianca (New Zealand) on 08/31/2014:
1 out of 5 stars


Graves disease/hyperthyroid is actually from low iodine believe it or not so the world is uneducated therefore apple cider vinegar will aggravate graves but help hypo because obviously hypothyroidism is actually from too much iodine and apple cider actually depletes iodine and for some reason it helps people with hypothyroidism......go figure so I found this out with taking iodine in multi vitamins in the morning and after 5 months of no period it came back so there you go.

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Mariana (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 01/05/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I am on Thyroxin for an underactive thyroid gland. But, I still have this horrible feeling of mucous in my throat that effects speech. I have gone back to drinking cider vinegar, 2 or 3 times a day and now i feel so much better and the is no feeling of mucous in the throat. Its natural and it wonderful

Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/16/2007:
1 out of 5 stars


To Tracy (11/14/07) from Frederick, Md. Try pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) l00mgm twice a day for that carpal tunnel that's giving you problems. You might also consider that if you're low on that one you probably are low on all the B complex vitamins, which may be contributing to your hypothyroid problem. I remember one lady who ran low normal range on her medication had to have her thyroid med discontinued for a couple of weeks and restart at 1/2 tablet, after her thyroid level returned above the normal range. She had gone from white bread to l00% whole wheat and had started taking a good stress tablet 4 times a day a month or so before her level went up. Oh, a welcome change was that her cholesterol level had gone down also.

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Tracy (Frederick, MD) on 11/14/2007:
1 out of 5 stars


Have been using the ACV remedy for about 2 mos and notice the immediate difference in my skin and in my lack of joint pain (I suffer from Carpal Tunnel). However, I also started to notice that my skin was getting dry and I was constantly tired and kind of depressed. All symptoms that I had before I got my thyroid checked. I have hypothyroidism and take Levothyroxin once daily in the am. I had been starting my day with the thyroid pill, then my ACV tonic. WELL, I just read on the Medicine bottle to take this medicine at least 4 hours prior to any antacids, iron or vitamin/mineral suppliments. Basically, the ACV was just washing away my meds. So I adjusted my times and don't take the ACV til later and I'm back to my old self, with the added ACV bonus! SO, check you medicine labels!!!
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Lana (Ormond, usa) on 11/13/2007:
1 out of 5 stars


Ingesting ACV has long been used for medical treatment and is sometimes very effective.. HOWEVER, one should also take an iodine supplement, such as kelp tablets or kelp extracts while using this therapy. Extended ACV consumption can remove iodine from the body, and can result in thyroid problems. (Salt also causes the same problems which is why commercial salt has added iodine.) I learned all this back in the early 1970's, and have not found this important information on iodine/ACV interaction in any articles or books recently. However I have not covered your entire site. So in case no one has mentioned this yet, it really needs to be addressed.
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