Natural Remedies for Thrombocytosis

Modified on Nov 10, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

Thrombocytosis is a disorder where your body produces too many platelets. Platelets, which are blood particles produced in the bone marrow, play a critical role in the process of forming blood clots.

When there is an underlying cause, the condition is called reactive thrombocytosis or secondary thrombocytosis.  Reactive thrombocytosis can be caused by acute bleeding and blood loss, cancer, infections, iron deficiency, spleen removal, or surgery.


People with thrombocytosis typically do not have any symptoms. The symptoms of reactive thrombocytosis, when they occur, relate to the underlying condition.

The signs include:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Headache
  • Numbness/tingling of the hands and feet
  • Chest pain
  • Weakness

Natural Remedies

Continue reading for reader-reported natural remedies for thrombocytosis. Please let us know if you have anything to add as this is a new ailments page on Earth Clinic!

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