Ten Remedies for Sensitive Teeth

Modified on Sep 24, 2022 | Earth Clinic Team

Tooth sensitivity can be very uncomfortable and make eating a chore instead of a joy. Natural remedies for sensitive teeth include oil pulling, magnesium and black walnut.

What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity can be cause by a number of factors.

  • If you brush your teeth with a hard bristled brush or too vigorously, you can damage the enamel on your teeth.
  • Acidic foods can make tooth sensitivity worse.
  • Damage to teeth or fillings can cause tooth sensitivity, as can a tooth abscess or infection.
  • Many toothpastes are hard on the teeth. There are a variety of chemicals in the majority of toothpastes from whiteners to fluoride to artificial sweeteners to sodium laureth sulfate. Each of these have been linked to oral health issues.
  • Mouthwashes often contain food coloring, alcohol and artificial sweeteners. Overuse of them can cause damage to your teeth, including sensitivity.

Sensitive Teeth Solutions

1. Buy a soft bristle tooth brush and brush gently. 

2. Use good old fashioned baking soda instead of toothpaste to gently clean your teeth. You will avoid all of the chemicals in commercial toothpaste an leave your mouth in a clean, alkaline state. You will get used to the saltiness and lack of foam when you clean your teeth.

3. Use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. Put a cap full of hydrogen peroxide and a cap full of water into a cup. Use this solution to rinse your mouth as needed. The hydrogen peroxide will kill bacteria.

4. Try oil pulling with coconut oil or sesame oil. Use 1 - 3 teaspoons of the oil and swish it around in your mouth for 10-20 minutes each day. This will whiten teeth, remove plaque, and heal infections. Oil pulling can be done while you shower. Do not put the oil down the drain, though. Spit it into a tissue and place in the trash can when you finish. 

If you miss the mintiness of your mouthwash, add 1 drop of peppermint essential oil to your oil pulling oil. It will make your mouth feel very fresh!

Alternately, add 1 drop of clove oil to your oil for oil pulling. Clove kills infection and also has numbing properties to help with the pain from sensitive teeth.

5. Take a magnesium supplement if you grind your teeth. Bruxism, or tooth grinding, can cause teeth sensitivity. One natural remedy for tooth grinding is a magnesium supplement at bedtime.

6. Use the herb black walnut. Black walnut hull can be purchased in a tincture or powder. Used twice daily it can help to heal tooth enamel. Use one dropperful of black walnut in 1/2 ounce of water. Swish this in your mouth for one minute and then swallow. Of you can use black walnut powder to brush your teeth or even to make a tea to drink daily.

7. Try horsetail herb. The herb horsetail is in the fern family. Horsetail (also known as shavegrass) contains plenty of silica which is helpful for your teeth enamel.

8. A tablespoon of blackstrap molasses each day provides your body with a concentration of minerals, including calcium and magnesium, which are important for your teeth.

9. Improve your diet. Reduce foods that are acidic. Avoid sugary foods, especially soda pop of any sort. (Switching to sugar free sodas will only bring on new problems.) An apple a day is especially helpful for your teeth.

10. Get a medical opinion. If you are not seeing results from the above measures or notice an increase in pain, you should see a reputable dentist. It is possible that your sensitive teeth problem is caused by an abscess, cracked teeth or a problem with your fillings.

Do you have a natural remedy for sensitive teeth? Please send us some feedback!

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List of Remedies for Sensitive Teeth