How to Stop Esophageal Spasms at Home: Natural Remedies and Prevention

Modified on Jun 08, 2023 | Earth Clinic Team


Esophageal spasms can be a distressing and painful condition that often occurs without clear triggers. These spasms in the esophagus, the muscular tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach, can sometimes be mistaken for heart attack symptoms. While they can be induced by certain foods, stress, or associated medical conditions like GERD, there are also effective natural remedies and preventive measures for esophageal spasms.

In this article, we will explore how to stop esophageal spasms at home using natural substances such as aloe vera, cayenne pepper, and specific dietary modifications.

Home Remedies to Alleviate an Esophageal Spasm Attack

Cayenne Pepper

Oddly enough, cayenne pepper can relieve esophageal spasms for some people, even though spicy foods may trigger them for others. By adding 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper to 6 ounces of juice and sipping it gradually, it may provide relief.

Chamomile Tea

This comforting beverage can be consumed warm or cool, as per individual comfort. Note, though, that extremely hot or cold drinks can stimulate a spasm, so maintain moderate temperatures in your tea.


Keeping a bottle of water within reach at all times is advisable. If an esophageal spasm attack occurs, slow sips of water and deep breathing can help manage it.

Apple Cider Vinegar

A digestive aid, apple cider vinegar can be mixed with water to create a tonic that may help during an attack. Drinking this tonic once or twice a day might also prevent future spasms.

Natural Preventive Remedies for Esophageal Spasms

Aloe Vera

Known for its digestive benefits, consuming a few tablespoons of aloe vera juice before meals can help prevent esophageal spasms.

Blackstrap Molasses

This is a natural source of concentrated nutrients including magnesium, which can prevent muscle spasms.


Essential for muscle function, including that of the esophagus, magnesium is a mineral that helps muscles relax, thus preventing spasms.

Each person's triggers for esophageal spasms may differ. Various factors, such as certain foods (e.g., bread), caffeine, alcohol, stress, rushed eating, and inadequately chewed food, can induce attacks.

Modifying Eating Habits

Unhealthy and hasty eating habits can contribute to esophageal spasms. Slow, mindful eating, thorough chewing, and opting for nutritious options like kefir smoothies over fast food can go a long way in reducing your risk of spasms.

Maintaining General Health

Esophageal spasms are often associated with other health problems, especially those related to digestion. Implementing natural remedies to address these other health issues could alleviate your spasms without additional effort.


While natural remedies can help manage and prevent esophageal spasms, it is crucial to seek professional medical advice, especially if experiencing symptoms for the first time. Given that the symptoms can resemble or accompany a heart attack, it's important to understand the situation accurately.

Continue reading below to learn which remedies, such as MSM and Lavender Oil, helped our readers with their condition. Please share your own natural remedies for esophageal spasms with us. 

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List of Remedies for Esophageal Spasms