Multiple Remedies for Stress

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Jane (Pasadena, CA) on 06/17/2009
5 out of 5 stars

i recently survived a stretch of great stress combined with physical exhaustion. i read up on many of the remedies on the adrenal fatigue and on the stress page in order to take the best care of myself during these months. i have had adrenal fatigue hit me a few times in the past, though this time i think what i had is classified as 'stress exhaustion'. either way, after all the chaos, i knew well enough that there would be an aftermath of exhaustion and fatigue. i think that each person's system is different or has different causes/susceptiblities. And I believe there are 2 phases, one is the hectic stress or adrenaline-robbing phase, and the next is the adrenal crash, or exhaustion phase that one is left in. in my experience some of the things that helped me feel pretty good even on my worst days were:

1) Getting as much extra sleep as possible, even if it meant going to bed hours early when i could. This REALLY helped in the long-term.
2) Taking a multivitamin and B-complex vitamin
3) (I also read that extra C, Zinc, and the other 'essentials' is great for a.f. recovery. I did this as well)
4) Taking a teaspoon of baking soda with Apple Cider Vinegar in the a.m. and afternoon to keep my energy and sharpness going. ACV is also a great immediate stress-soother.
5) NOT drinking coffee
6) Eating an extrodinarily healthful diet; Keeping myself full (avoiding any low blood sugar spells)
7) Drinking Matcha green tea which is amazing for soothing stress and not over-caffinating (though completely limiting caffeine is ideal)
8) As much soothing relaxing activities as necessary, "Self Care".
9) Taking Bee Pollen (I read this is excellent for a.f. recovery)
10) avoiding unnecessary stressful conversations whenever possible, limiting conversation with 'draining' people, or avoiding anything else that might rile or tense me up.
10) I also took advice from the stress page about 'stress foods', particularly adding pistachios and barley to my diet.
11) I also tried to educate those close to me about how one under stress/adrenal fatigue might react or be very in need of elevated support and gentle treatment during this time, and that helped immensely.

I hope this information will help someone else as well, and I'll keep reading these pages for more insights.