Cayenne for Strep Throat

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Christine (On, Canada) on 06/20/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Strep Throat: I used the 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper in hot water as I could take with 1/4 lemon juice then I gargled it. I am amazed at the relief I felt. I was able to sleep the night. I'm going to keep at it a few times a day until it clears up. Amazing!!
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Jessica (Riverside, Ca) on 12/30/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I contracted strep throat on my right tonsil (unmistakable white patches) and spent several days taking ibuprophen for the pain, hoping that the strep would clear up on it's own. When it became difficult to swallow, I found the home remedy of using cayenne pepper on this website. I applied the cayenne pepper with a qtip dipped in honey and then the pepper, directly to my inflammed tonsil. The next morning the swelling and pain were reduced by roughly 50%! I reapplied the honey/cayenne pepper twice more throughout the day and by the second morning the white patches were almost gone and the swelling was as well. By day three my throat was completely back to normal! I am absolutely amazed that such a simple cure worked so well! Thank you earth clinic!
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Ursula (Weston, Fl) on 06/15/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I loved the Cayenne on a Q Tip idea! It worked! I dipped it in a bit of honey first to make it sticky and then the cayenne. I swabbed the white pus pustules on my tonsils with the cayenne Q tip. Gagged a bit but was worth it because the pain was gone in 5 minutes. Did this 4 times a day for next two days. By day two was able to remove the white spots with the Q tip. Kind of gross but I got the infection out! No doctor no antibiotics! Wow!
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Dawn (Orlando, Fl) on 03/22/2012
5 out of 5 stars

WOW, what a cure! I woke up a few nights ago with a raging sore throat; every swallow felt like I was choking down razor blades and I was in tears. Sleep was impossible so I did a net search for remedies and found earth clinic.

I've tried ACV in the past without much effect, but cayenne was a new idea to me. It sounded terrible, but I was in too much pain and willing to try anything. Mixed up a cup of warm water with about a quarter teaspoon of pepper, and added a squirt of lemon for good measure.

I found the gargle much easier than I expected. It felt pleasantly warm, not blazing hot, wrapping my throat in soothing heat. The relief was instantaneous and within minutes the raw pain had subsided to a dull ache that I knew I could sleep through. When I awoke the next morning I still had a cold, but the sore throat was gone, and never came back while the virus ran its course. Wow. I am a believer! Cayenne really works!

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Jessie (Lakewood, Ohio, United States) on 11/20/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Yes! It works! I was skeptical it would help my strep throat but I did it nonetheless. I gargled before bed and felt like it did nothing to help. When I woke up I felt what I would estimate to be 70% reduction in swelling and pain. Unbelieveable.
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Krasavitza (Philadelphia, Pa, Usa) on 11/14/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Yesterday I could feel the strep throat coming on so, I came to my favorite forum to find out how to treat it. I went to the doctor today and have the antibiotics just in case, since this is my first time trying a home-remedy for strep throat, but I am hoping to not have to start taking the prescription. After reading numerous posts on strep throat, I decided to take everyone's advice and tweak it to what I hope will work for me.

What I did was take about a teaspoon of raw, organic honey and mixed into it about 1/2 teaspoon of organic cayenne pepper. It made a thick, sticky reddish paste. I then (using a small flashlight to aid in seeing back into my throat) used a cotton swab to dip into the paste and then brush it onto my tonsils and uvula. (the uvula is the dangly thing hanging in the center of the back of your mouth and the tonsils are on the sides). I am keeping it in a tiny tupperware container to use until my strep throat (hopefully) goes away.

I was gargling with a warm-water and cayenne mixture, but that was burning my tongue so much that I thought this might be better; plus I'm applying it directly to the problem so, I think it is a better idea. I love that it doesn't burn at all when I apply it directly to my tonsils!

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Bill (Philadelphia, Penna) on 11/28/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I've been reading many of the comments on using cayenne pepper for a sore throat and also for strep. I figured by now we all know it works so there was no reason for me to add my two cents. But so many people seem to have a hard time with it. Even the ones who have no problem at all are making it much more difficult than it has to be. When I feel one coming on all I do is take a Q-tip and wet it. Then dip it in the cayenne and dab it on your throat where you feel the pain. If you need more turn it around or get a new one and keep going until you cover as much as you need to. I was surprised that you don't even taste it and no burning at all.

A few weeks back my throat started killing me. I never even looked at it all day. The next morning I woke up in great pain. I looked in the mirror and there it was. A big white spot on the back of my throat about the size of a jelly bean. I dabbed a little cayenne on it and never even thought about it again. About two days later I remembered it and thought "That's weird. I wonder what happened to my Strep" I looked in the mirror and couldn't see anything. Gone.

The Q-tip works fine but what I've been doing is using a camel hair brush. It's a number 6. They're actually meant for painting models(cars, planes etc. )It works better because it has a much longer handle and you can see better because you're not stuffing all your fingers and half your hand into your mouth. Just rinse it well and then rinse it in some rubbing alcohol or peroxide so you don't keep recontaminating yourself. Also dump a little of the cayenne out into a cup or on a plate or something and then when your done rinse it down the drain. Never dip right into your cayenne container. Anyway hope this helps those who don't/can't gargle the cayenne. I know it's not pleasant, I've tried. This is much easier plus the cayenne is EXTREMELY concentrated and not literally watered down.

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Kristy (Denver, Co, Usa) on 04/16/2010
5 out of 5 stars

My son who is 12, was complaining about a really bad sore throat last night, he was talking funny and could not swallow any foods and had a hard time with liquids as well. When I checked his mouth I noticed there were 2 white puss pockets and knew he was getting strep. I really did not want to take him to the Emergency room last night and pay a BIG out of pocket expense, so I looked up strep on Earth clinic and found a strep throat remedie using Cayenne Pepper and lemon juice. Well, I put 1/2 tbl spoon of cayenne pepper and 1/2 tbl spoon fresh squeezed lemon juice in 1 cup of warm water and had him gargle through out the evening. At first he was complaining that it wasn't working, and it was a little spicy. When he got up this morning boy was he excited, when he was able to swallow breakfast and there was no more pain at all. I am very very excited about using this site more often in the future. First time HAPPY Earth clinc remedie user!!!
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Stephanie (Ruidoso, New Mexico, USA) on 04/14/2009
5 out of 5 stars

Cayenne pepper for strep throat works GREAT! I have had strep throat four times (confirmed) in the past five months. I went to the doctor, took the antibiotics given and about 2-3 weeks after the antibiotics were finished, I would get symptoms again and my doctor suggested seeing an ENT doctor to get my tonsils out. At the first signs of strep throat this time (achey, sore throat, lump in throat) I saw this site and thought why NOT try the cayenne pepper. I had two small white patches in my throat so I KNEW it was heading to strep and I started gargling 1/8 tsp organic cayenne pepper with warm water around 5pm. I can NOT eat hot foods and was scared to death but it wasn't bad at all. It burned my tongue more than anything but I was desperate! I also added some cayenne pepper to my chicken noodle soup. I probably gargled once an hour at first but right before going to bed, I gargled every fifteen minutes for about four times. I went to bed (still seeing the small spots on my throat but feeling better). I slept for about 7 hours- which was GREAT and first thing looked down my throat and one spot is gone and the other has been reduced dramatically. Now, I have to admit that I caught this one early and I think that helped immensly but I am a believer! Thanks so much to all your postings! I am going to shout it from the rooftops - CAYENNE REALLY WORKS!
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Jory (Crossville, Tennessee, United States) on 03/01/2009
5 out of 5 stars

the cayenne pepper thing... yes i tried it, and it worked wonders, thank you so much for this, this was fantastic, completely and utterly amazing, and as long as you do it right people, it will work i swear it. my whole family had strep, and we did this pepper thing, and it worked on all of us in less than 24 hours. so save yourself a trip to the doctor, just go to the kitchen and grab some pepper!

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