Apple Cider Vinegar for Stomach Flu

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Kingq (Chonburi) on 08/28/2023
5 out of 5 stars

After two days of suffering from stomach flu, decided to try ACV. Dry heaved for one minute straight after taking it. Fortunately kept everything down. Within five minutes I had relief and managed to get a quality eight hours of sleep.
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Tammy (Sulphur Springs, Texas ) on 12/13/2022
5 out of 5 stars

This apple cider vinegar remedy completely stopped my vomiting and diarrhea in 20 minutes after two days of having the stomach flu! Thank you!
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Morningsun (Hamersley, Perth) on 04/05/2012
5 out of 5 stars

THROWING UP for 5 hours our youngest daughter had this bug. Took 2 tbs of ACV and same amount of water and it has stopped for over an hour and I am unbelievably sitting up able to write this. Thanks to this community and the Lord of course. God is gracious...thanks.
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Kitj (Cape Town, Rsa) on 12/08/2011
5 out of 5 stars


A friend I visited told me of the stomach bug floating in her household today. I drove her to do some shopping, she shared my drinks bottle and within three hours I was feeling bad. Light-headedness, stomach pains, nausea. I read this thread and tried some pear cider vinegar that I make myself, with honey , ginger and hot water.

Within two swigs I was rushing for a bucket, brought up a litre of orange yuckies, and feel great!! This stuff is working alright and I thank you guys for your input, so here's mine too.

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Michael (Highland Village, Texas) on 12/02/2008
5 out of 5 stars

ACV Works to Prevent Stomach Flu! Two weeks ago my four-year old contracted the stomach flu and one by one my other three children and wife fell victim to it. I thought ACV might help me stay well so twice a day I took two tablespoons of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar mixed with about 4 oz. of water and never got sick! Now, after finding your site I know for sure that it was the ACV that helped me. Next time we are exposed to a virus like this I will mix some honey with it to make it more palatable for my kids.
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Kim (New York, NY) on 11/19/2008
5 out of 5 stars

After 3 extremely painful days of carrying a stomach flu that has been going around the metro area I finally had enough energy to go on-line and look up natural remedies. I went to the doctor and she said to just ride out the storm. My upper abdomen is so sore and feels like acid is stuck in my small intestines. I found this website and made myself a 6 oz. cup of hot water with 2 tablespoons of AVC and 2 tablespoons of honey and literally within 5 minutes my stomach ache began to subside!! This is the most relief I have had in 3 days. Thank you everyone for your suggestions and just one more question: how many times of day should I continue to drink this? is too much a bad thing?
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Ana (Gainesville, FL) on 12/21/2007
5 out of 5 stars

About four months ago, my boyfriend and I used ACV to fight against a bug that had been going around. We had been looking at ACV as a possible addition to our diet because of all its reported benefits, so we had a bottle in the cabinet already and thought we might as well give it a try. My boyfriend got a sore throat first, so we both decided to use ACV (diluted in hot water) to gargle and drinking a little bit (pure) for about three days straight. All of our friends went through weeks of a painful sore throat, coughing, and feeling terrible...but thanks to ACV, my boyfriend and I barely even felt sick for a day, and I have not had a cold since.

Also, one night I came home and I had a familiar feeling of feverishness, nauseousness and intestinal discomfort. I had felt the same way twice before when I had gotten the stomach flu, and I knew what was coming. I was shivering and miserable, but I felt like there was nothing that I could do to help myself and that I would just have to go through the hours and hours of sleeplessness, vomiting and exhaustion. My boyfriend went online and searched for a home cure for the stomach flu. ACV came up on Earthclinic, and I was willing to try it again because of how well it worked on my sore throat. I took two tablespoons directly. It wasn't hard at all, and I actually like the taste. Afterwards I experienced approximately 20 minutes of (very very mild) heartburn. About 10 minutes later, I started feeling better, and about 30-45 minutes later, I felt entirely fine. A little bit of the nauseousness returned the next night, but two more table spoons of ACV fixed that. A couple weeks later (I have bad luck) I got food poisoning from some korean food. Two tablespoons of ACV cured that too.

I'm convinced that ACV can cure a lot of things and really improve your health. I would drink it three times a day if I wasn't afraid of possible degenerative effects it might have on my teeth enamel.

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Chad (USA) on 03/01/2004
5 out of 5 stars

Apple Cider vinegar works very well just plain. I take about 2/3 to a full shot glass and it will usually take the stomach flu out in 1-3 doses. NO MORE THAN 3 TIMES A DAY or I have had it make me sicker from too much.