Remedies for Statin-Induced Neuropathy

Modified on Aug 08, 2018 | Earth Clinic Team

Statins have become an oft-prescribed drug treatment for heart health and prevention of blood vessel constriction and blockage. However, these "wonder drugs" are not without risks. In some cases, natural home remedies can take the place of statins or work to counteract some of the drug's more harmful side-effects--especially statin-induced neuropathy.

Statins are designed to inhibit a certain enzyme's functioning in the body, so that cholesterol levels are kept lower. This helps to reduce blood vessel blockage and improve overall cardiovascular health. Neuropathy, that is cell and tissue death, occurs due to long-term use of statins, especially in diabetics.

Home Remedies: To treat statin-induced neuropathy and its symptoms at home, some have successfully turned to coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ10) to address issues with neuropathy.

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List of Remedies for Statin-Induced Neuropathy