Wrist Strain Remedies for Sprains

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Denise (Ca) on 12/04/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Comfrey Leaf for Fractures and Sprains

I know many of these comments were submitted a few years ago. I just wanted to add my 2 cents about comfrey leaf. I took comfrey leaf for many years with no harm before FDA decided to put on THEIR toxic list.

I've also done lots of research both about the so called study that prompted the FDA to ban manufacturers from using comfrey for internal consumption, as well as many health experts/MDs that have voiced their medical opinion about its safety.

In the study, some ungodly amount was fed to rats and, given their small weight and size, supposedly the PAs (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) in the comfrey caused liver damage.

Comfrey, in my view, hands down is the best thing for a sprain, bone fracture, strain, etc. in accelerated healing and cell regeneration. I still take comfrey leaves (not the root) internally (yes, I can find it in bulk) when I have a sprain/strain.

Of course, do your own research to decide for yourself. I have done mine and use it responsibly and only when needed. Never had any problems nor side effects.

You can still make poultice, even if don't take internally. You can find comfrey cremes as well.

While some of the other recommended items will help take away swelling, they won't regenerate cells (like from tom tendon or ligament). If you start getting too active too prematurely before tears heal, you can re-injure. That's where comfrey is different than other remedies.

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