Epsom Salt for Splinters

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Adstradamous (Cincinnati, Oh) on 07/15/2014
5 out of 5 stars

Epsom salt for splinters

My sister and I noticed a large red bump on my sons butt cheek one afternoon. We had no idea what it was and could see nothing inside when we examined it. The next day my sister decided to soak his bottom half in an epsom salt bath and a splinter surfaced! It was obviously infected, but as soon as the splinter came out it began to heal. I soaked him about 3 more times and made an appointment with his doctor just in case. Later that night a small, pale yellow bump surfaced as well! The epsom salts were also pulling the infection out! By the time we saw the doctor, there was no infection and nothing left behind in the skin!

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Anonymosaurus Rex ( Somewhere, Alone, Listening To Radiohead) on 09/05/2012
5 out of 5 stars

To remove splinters, try using magnesium sulfate (AKA Epsom salts).

You can either use a small amount of water to make a paste and apply this to the area and cover with a bandage, or you can soak the splinter in epsom salts if a bandage cannot be applied.

This method will also reduce the local swelling and any pus that is around the splinter.