Antiseptic Mouthwash for Sore Throat

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Showing 4 Star Reviews

Andrew (Lansing, Michigan) on 04/18/2009
4 out of 5 stars

when i heard that listerine worked, i tried gurgling it in my mouth a couple times. It works but it doesnt cure your sore throat completely. It makes your throat feel alot better. And it gives you a fresh breath.

Matthew (Philladelphia, PA) on 02/18/2009
4 out of 5 stars

Antiseptic Mouthwash [Listerine] made my sore throat better, but not cured. It took the sharp edge off of my sore throat, but it definitely didn't cure it.
REPLY   1      

Jennifer (Atlanta, Georgia, USA) on 02/04/2009
4 out of 5 stars

I used anticeptic mouthwash during the first day I noticed an irrated throat. I used the normal amount stated on the bottle for mouthwash but I made sure to allow it to reach the far back of my throat. It does help it to immediately feel better, but I wouldn't say that it cured my ailment. I have had a sore throat for several days and today I tried both Cayenne, and later ACV straight with honey like a shot. Just now I tried the salt water gargle. All have helped but we will see how fast I recover.