Cayenne for Sore Throat

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Davers84 (Mattoon, Il) on 01/04/2012
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I have to admit I'm a bit surprised this was going to even work. But after reading all these responses, I figured the worst that would happen was I was going to throw up (which didn't happen). This remedy worked for me for about 6 hours. My throat has been like daggers though for the past 5 days, so it may be more sore than most that have been using this. However, it did numb the pain for some time and I was able to eat comfortably.

It did come back later though. And gargling more pepper water didn't do the trick. Since I was unable to eat a normal meal, I went out and bought two big cans of chicken noodle soup. I had always heard to eat this stuff when you are feeling sick. And I have to say, this worked better than the pepper water. I ate both cans (that's A LOT of soup but it worked for me) and more throat feels like it's back to normal and it's been about 8 hours now. Guess I'll find out tomorrow morning if it comes back or not.

So the cayenne pepper water does work, but only as a temporary relief for me. I can see it working for a minor sore throat completely though :)


Nikoo (Chronic Coast, California Usa) on 12/29/2011
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I dont like doctors/hospitals and avoid at all costs. I have had a terrible misreable sore throat for almost a week. Felt like daggers when I swallowed.

Tried Cayenne pepper in warm water, cayenne in tea w lemon and honey, cayenne on my mashed potatoes, ACV cayenne lemon honey in hot water -- NOTHING WORKED. I had temporary relieve but sore throat would just not vanish. I think the remedies helped because I was hacking up all kinds of mucus but the pain did not go away. So finally as a last resort I went to see a doctor and she told me I had strep throat -- unfortantly this homeopathic cure could not overcome that kind of infection.

So I rate this remedy as a Kind of worked/temporary relief.

Will try again if I get a sore throat and post results then.


Too Early For Mixing (Roseville, California) on 11/19/2011
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I just want to make sure no one makes the error I did after waking up at 5:30am with a terrible sore throat. (FYI: I'm not much of a morning person unless I'm going fishing) Use around 8oz. of water. No need to be exact. And use 1 TEASPOON of cayenne peper. NOT a tablespoon. Also when you gargle make sure it hits your throat. Otherwise you're just spinning your wheels. I used a tablespoon and less than 8oz of water and let's just say I had a very spicey and mouth numbing experience. Took most of the pain away instantly though.
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Kama (Nashville, Tn) on 06/27/2011
3 out of 5 stars

Better But With Side Effects

I recently had a bacterial throat infection. I finished one round of antibiotics and the symptoms instantly came back. The doctor prescribed a different antibiotic. When my throat infection started to come back after completeing that, she informed me if this didn't work she'd have to send me to an infectious disease specialist.

Desperate to avoid this, I started gargling with salt water, then with a few shakes of cayenne pepper powder in warm water. I did this for ten minutes every three or four hours. The rivers of snot in my throat went almost completely away. It no longer hurt to eat. Within two days, my throat is almost completely healed after over a month of agony.

It did give me canker sores, however, so people prone to them might want to be wary. Even so, I'll take a few canker sores that heal in days to throat pain for months!


Tricia (Paw Paw, Michigan) on 10/19/2008
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

Cayenne Pepper (sore throat)

I had such a sore throat. I couldn't even swallow or breathe. I heard about this method, so I added 1/4 teaspoon to water about three-five times a day for three days and drank it. It definitely worked temporarily. For about 3 hours after I drank it, breathing and swallowing weren't even a problem. Eventually though, it would come back.

After I had had this problem for a week and had been trying the pepper remedy for three days, I went to the doctor. I didn't have strep throat, but she put me on an antibiotic and THAT made it go away.

All in all, for me cayenne peppers were good for temporary relief, but they were not a cure for my sore throat.


Justin (Detroit, Michigan ) on 09/09/2008
3 out of 5 stars

Worked Temporarily

I don't know if this worked. I think it is more the case that the burning sensation distracts you from the sore throat pain temporarily.

I used 1/4 teaspoon of pepper with 1 cup of warm water, gargling the entire glass. WIth the final remaining sip, I figured I'd swallow the rest to make sure it got all the way to the back of my throat.

The "hotness" did not bother me, as I enjoy spicy food, however the remedy did seem to just operate as a distractor. I will try it a couple more times, since some of you recommended several doses, although I am skeptical.