Slow Metabolism Remedies

Modified on Jun 25, 2016 | Earth Clinic Team

Treating the symptoms of a slow metabolism requires a balanced approach that incorporates lifestyle changes as well as natural supplements. Increasing one’s activity level, getting an appropriate amount of sleep each night and eating a balanced diet can naturally increase one’s metabolism. Likewise, several supplements improve the metabolism.

What is a Slow Metabolism?

Metabolism is a term used to indicate the process by which the body converts food and drink into energy. The body needs energy even at rest for completing activities including breathing, maintaining blood circulation and repairing cells. Several factors contribute to an individual’s basal metabolic rate or number of calories the body uses for basic functions. These factors include body size and composition, sex and age.

If the metabolism is functioning at a lower rate than normal, the condition is described as slow metabolism. A slow metabolism can be attributed to several factors: diabetes, unproportional fat to muscle ratio, lifestyle factors, conditions such as hypothyroidism and genetics. Slow metabolism is generally characterized by several symptoms as well. Common symptoms include gaining weight more easily than losing, inability to lose weight in spite of rigorous exercise, increased fat deposits, increased cellulite, dry skin and hair and sugar cravings.

Natural Treatment for Metabolic Balance

Many times making specific lifestyle changes is enough to jumpstart the metabolism. A new exercise routine, eating fewer carbs and fat and adjusting one’s sleep schedule help regulate the system and can render the metabolism more effective. In addition to these changes, several supplements are beneficial for boosting the metabolism including apple cider vinegar, green tea and cayenne.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar supports the metabolism as a fat burner and weight loss agent. The vinegar suppresses appetite, naturally increases the metabolic rate and alkalizes the body to support weight loss.

Green Tea

Green tea is a natural thermogenic agent, meaning that it burns extra calories. Additionally, green tea is a stimulant that includes powerful antioxidants to cleanse and purify the cells as it increases energy.


Cayenne supports metabolism in several ways. This natural spice increases oxygen consumption in the body, which helps decrease fat. Additionally, cayenne supports the normalization of blood pressure and heart rhythm, supports blood circulation and improves digestion.

A slow metabolism can have a detrimental effect on energy, weight and overall health. However, simple lifestyle changes and the addition of several natural substances to a balanced diet is often enough to regulate the metabolism, increase energy and constitute weight loss.

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