Oil Pulling for Skin

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Gr8ful Gal in Cleveland (Cleveland, Ohio ) on 12/07/2008
5 out of 5 stars

I just want to thank Earth Clinic for such helpful health advice. I was already using ACV. (*1/2 cup in the morning). But I noticed my depression worsening I was thinking of going to a therapist. When one night I was internet surfing and found this site. I also kept having migraine headaches. (of course) no doctor, or medicines helped. I ran across the oil pulling remedies. So, I tried it. The results are great!!!! The oil pulling (first thing in the morning) *1/2 a cup its the BEST THING I could have done. Its healthy for me and has no negative side effects. My depression has gone away!!! I sleep better, I am not restless, my mood swings have diminished. I have so much energy its ridiculous!!! I can feel and see the difference. I have also tried the BSS (Baking Soda Scrub) I add honey and a little water until it thickens to my liken. (I have oily/combo skin). I used ACV as a toner,(diluted with water on a cotton ball). VCO (Virgin Coconut Oil) as a moisturizer. (very thin amount) My face glowed. I only do it 3x a week. It is so great to have all these resources at hand. And they are so inexpensive. Thank You so much!!! Earth Clinic.
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Raquel (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/16/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I've been oil pulling for six weeks now and although I can't say I lost any weight, I'm eating more fruits and vegetables because I can now chew better. Also, the lines that run from my nose to my mouth have also diminshed and my dark circles have reduced significantly. I use extra vergin olive oil. At first, my breath stank but I stuck with it and my breath is now fresh and my teeth are strong. My cracked heels are gone and my BP has also dropped and has remained steady. Only question? Can I do this during pregnancy????
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CANDY (RIVERDALE, NY) on 09/06/2007
5 out of 5 stars

I started oil pulling with unrefined sesame oil 2 months ago, the inital results were great. My skin glowed exceptionally well. Then I read Ted's opinion on which oils work best, one of them being refined sunflower oil. I switched to sunflower oil and the results were unfavorable, my skin did not glow at all, as a matter of fact it looked quite dull. I stopped used sunflower oil and switched back to unrefined sesame oil. And my skin is glowing once more. I have been acne free since oil pulling and I've been sleeping soundingly too. I have recommended oil pulling to my sister who's had a loose tooth and the oil pulling has since reinforced her loose molar.
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Tumi (GC, Botswana) on 06/28/2007
5 out of 5 stars

Oil Pulling and ACV tonic: I just wanted to say thanks so much for your website. I started oil pulling a month ago after much trepidation. I suffered from chronic insomnia and just feeling lethargic most of the time. I had initially started the apple cider vinegar and had started sleeping really well from the get go. I have always had sensitive and really weak teeth and about 3 months ago had had a root filling and crown on a tooth on my left side and was due to fix the opposite one on my right side, so you can imagine my surprise after a couple of weeks when I noticed that I was actually chewing food on my right side the whole time I was eating lunch! No tingling feeling and just an overall healthy feel in my mouth. Although I have had a good skin, I get compliments everyday about the glow my skin has. SO what can I say.....I don't think I will ever stop my regimen as the rewards are getting greater by the day. I have even ventured in including Apple cider in a mask mixture I make. Basically mix:

half of ripe avocado,
tablespoon of honey,
heaped tablespoon of oat bran
tablespoon of ACV

Mix well, and take a dollop of the mix, rub over face, neck (avoid sensitive eye area) for about 10 min. This leaves my skin feeling tingly fresh as well as so soft and moisturized. N.B While face is still damp apply moisturizer (coconut oil, or a mixture of coconut oil and aqueous cream). This is essential as it forms a barrier and helps trap the moisture in your skin. I believe you should see favourable results after a week. I use the mask only at night through and about twice a week. Enjoy! I put any leftover mask mixture in a tight container and place in fridge, but for no more that a couple of days. It usually keeps. Funny enough I also started oil pulling at night before going to bed, and then brushing. This morning I woke up as I had just brushed my teeth!