Grapeseed Oil for Skin

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Debbra Dee (Boston, Ma) on 04/06/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Recently I got a terrible rash from an allergic reaction to antibiotic. Everything I put on my face stung terribly. I tried Grapeseed Oil (with Vit E) and it calmed down within 12 hours. Usually I am battling rosacea but I've kept using the GSO 2x a day and I have no signs of it after a week. Redness, bumps and flakes are gone. Plus my skin is softer and smoother than ever. I think I may be able to stop using the topical Rx I've been on for the last 4-5 years too. I'm going to try it on my body skin and in my netti pot next.
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Sandra (Austin, Texas) on 03/10/2009
5 out of 5 stars

I am 44 years young and for all of my life I have had rough patches of skin on the back of my arms, tops of my forearms, my cheeks, down the outer sides of my thighs and my butt cheeks. I have used anything and everything out there to try to smooth out these unsightly areas until one day.... I discovered grapeseed oil. I lather it on all over my body right after my shower (the water helps it spread more easily) and the results are incredible! My skin has never been so smooth not only in the problem areas but ALL OVER. I guess I have been starving my skin all of these years of much needed oils. The brand of Grapeseed Oil I am using is "NOW" Try it!! You might be quite surprised!

Forever Soft.....


Stella (OH) on 08/19/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Hi Annie, the kind of Grapeseed oil that I have been using is a brand called "Now" bought at GNC as well as other places on the internet. It is 100% pure. There are also other brands out there, I'm not sure which is the Best brand. I use it on my face (a small amount), on salads and for cooking too. I have been using it since I posted and I still have very few breakouts. Hope it works for you! - here is a link to what it looks like. Good Luck.

Stella (C, OH) on 05/20/2008
5 out of 5 stars

Hi I would just like to put in a Yea! For Grapeseed oil. I am 37 yrs old and I suffered from a bad skin condition on my face and body for over 2 Loong years. The dermatologist said it was adult acne but I'm not so sure. I had tried many natural & chemical based products to the point of exhaustion until I finally found a brand that worked to where I could have my life back but my skin was still always on that verge of a break out at anytime. Anyway - about a month ago my husband was at the health store and I asked him to buy grapefruit extract but by mistake he bought Grapeseed oil. Well Grapeseed oil was one of the few things that I did not try on my face so I thought since I had it I would try it. UnBelievable Is all I can Say. This stuff is so good it took my skin to the next level. I don't even use my usual face cream anymore. If you have acne or sensitive skin. Try Grapeseed Oil It's awesome! It works! I love it! My skin is rosy and does not break out. I also know you can mix it with other oils for added benefits but I haven't tried that yet. Yea! For Grapeseed Oil.