Tea Tree Oil for Sinus Polyps

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Kate (Brooklyn, Ny) on 01/29/2015
5 out of 5 stars

In response to all those asking what Gcook added to the tea tree oil- it is a natural nasal wash called "ALKALOL". I've had sinus pollyps since post 9/11 and have been using dilluted Alkalol/ sea salt washes for relief and cleansing. You can look it up. It comes in a 16 oz bottle. Has all kinds of good stuff in it including spearmint and wintergreen. Can't hurt. I'm now just trying the tea tree oil and will try mixing it with the Alkalol.

I'm in the process of scheduling my 4th surgery now as polyps have returned finally after my last surgery- end of 2011. Surgery is like mowing the lawn to kill weeds I like to say. It is not possible to get to the root of the problem- root of the weed- by mowing the lawn- cutting the pollyps out. We must get to the root of the problem. And in my experience- doctors do not get to the root of the problem. They do not have time. They give you 10 minutes per/ visit on average. All they can do is try to alleviate symptoms.

On this forum, everyone seems to have great ideas and "cure alls"- we've heard them all on here- right? I'm thinking for me- if this tea tree oil doesn't work, I'll try the most difficult suggestion on here which is eliminating sugar (under 5%) and carbs (under 10%) Sounds like a convincing argument- but all of our bodies are different. We've all come to this place from very different circumstances- remember- what cures one may not cure another. But following up with how the treatment worked in the long run on this site is super helpful to everyone- so let's try.

I will let you know how the tea tree oil works for me- with and without Alkalol. I have way up in my sinus' pollyps and did the q-tip topical application last night. It made me very congested but you often have to persevere through that to get results so I'm not going to let a few days of more congestion stop the experiment. Too much at stake. I will say- I have had my sense of smell for most of the years- save a few weeks reprieve while on a run of prednisone- or right after a surgery but last night and this morning when I put the tea tree oil doused q-tip up into my right sinus- it hit a point where it must have opened something up as I could smell the tea tree oil in my right sinus. Now I'm back to congested for the moment. I will keep you posted... And best of luck to everyone! Sinus pollyps have destroyed my quality of life.

REPLY   8      

Nasalpolyp (New Jersey) on 10/04/2013
5 out of 5 stars

Hi, my husband has been suffering with nasal polyps for some months. The ent prescribed predinosone and though it helped, it hasn't been eliminated and it was still bothering him. He was even thinking of surgery when we found this information about tea tree oil recently...

08/11/2011: Gary from Sacramento, California, Usa replies: "Try Tea Tree Oil applied directly via a Qtip. The polyp will fall off in about 3-4 days."

He started using a few drops of it in distilled water (to his comfortable level), and put some drops with a nasal spray into his nostril. After 1-2 weeks, he feels like the swelling is mostly gone.

The other day he went to the ent, the dr put the endoscope in his nostril and they said they couldn't see the polyp. He showed them the picture of the polyp that the dr took before, but to his amazement, the dr said it's gone. Thanks to God for showing us this treatment. Just wanted to put it out there in case it may help anybody else.

REPLY   23      

Gcook (Newnan, Ga) on 12/10/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I tried the tea tree oil recommendations on my sinus polyps and they are gone. To ensure the never come back, I mixed tea tree oil with alkalol in a old sinus spray bottle and use twice a day. Last Friday; a sinus polyp fell out and I have been smelling every since. It works! I had this problem going on for eight years with two surgeries to no avail........ Thanks for the recommendations, I thank God for this site and all the info here...
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Sarego (Marlboro, Massachusetts) on 07/29/2012
5 out of 5 stars

I read this post last wedenesday for my Wife and tried out with Tea tree oil using Q-Tips for her. She had a polyp that had been threatening to almost show out from one of her nostrils on wednesday. We used tea tree oil in the morning and evening and the polyps have shrunk quite a lot. I would say up to 50% in just 4 days! We are both quite amazed and I really wanted to let the world know. Try this out.
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Frank (Toronto, Ontario) on 05/23/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Thanks to Gary for posting about tree tea oil.. I was skeptical at first but decided to give it a go.... The first couple of days my insides of my nose had a burning sensation that lasted maybe 30 seconds but after 5 days of continual use, I could not believe it. I could breathe through my nose again. It has been almost 3 weeks since. Still breathing through my nose and just using a nasal rinse to keep my nasal pasages moist. Thanks Again

Owner (Fontana, Ca) on 03/30/2012
5 out of 5 stars

Hey guys thanks a lot for suggesting Tea Tree Oil for Sinus Polyps. I have been using that for 4 days now and my polyps are falling off now. Seriously guys try it. You can buy it on Ebay for like 5 bucks for a 10ml bottle.

I also know of another remedy using manuka honey, distilled water and a "Neilmed Ready Rinse" bottle. You put a teaspoon of the honey and fill the bottle with distilled water and use it to irrigate your nose. Its really good at killing the bacteria in your nose and removing the bad odor. Supposidly its supposed to get rid of the polyps but I wasnt beeing constant with it. Your supposed to try it 2 times a day and then to 3 times a day when you get comfortable with it. Still it does a really good job.


Dawn (Lubbock, Tx) on 02/28/2012
5 out of 5 stars

West Texas wind has done more than damage my sinuses. Allergies run rampant year around. I have had polyps for 3 years with no relief till I found this website. Thank you for suggesting the tea tree oil. You have made me very happy again!!!!
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Gary (Sacramento, California, Usa) on 08/11/2011
5 out of 5 stars

For Sinus Polyps, Try Tea Tree Oil applied directly via a Qtip. The polyp will fall off in about 3-4 days.

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