Helminthic Therapy for Sinus Polyps

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Tim (Brisbane, Queensland Australia) on 11/24/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Helminthic Therapy

Recurring nasal polyps are very debilitating. I have reversed them without surgery, I can smell so well now that shampoo can give me a headache.. I can smell soap.. I can properly taste food.. And I feel generally great. This was my method.

I am a 30 yo Australian male. I have lifelong asthma/allergies and ibs/polyps for almost 10 years. I have dustmite, shellfish, milk, dog allergies. I believe this life/medication has also led to some poor mental/energy levels.

I have been a lifelong user of ventolin/steroids, and have tried butekyo method, linklater/yoga breathing, dustmite desensitisation, giving up milk, giving up meat, staying indoors, travelling, airpurifiers, vitamin d (only 1000mg/day).

I had 7 bursts of prednisone last year.. And a bunch of other stuff along with surgery to remove polyps from all my antrums. However, the polyps quickly came back.. And nothing stopped them. I was soon twice daily rinsing with 2xNasonex up each nostril twice a day. Didn't work. I was then going against regulations (but on doctors orders) by squirting pure budesinode respules into my cavity's to hold them at bay.. Didn't work. It seemed only 25mg prednisone would hold them at bay, and only temporarily. I decided my life was doomed to misery.. misery I won't go into in case you are eating food.

When I heard about helminthic therapy I thought 'what bollicks! ' but I researched it for 7 months before believing there was a chance it may help (despite there being no published case of the therapy helping polyps).

In early June, I applied 35 hookworm to my body.

Within two months, my smell had come back a little. My surgeon had done an MRI scan and expected me to present in misery.. But I was fine. I cancelled myself from surgery (which is -free- in my country). But my symptoms returned, so I panicked and booked in the surgeon again. But soon I could smell even better than before!

After that first two months I even reduced my medication down to one spray of budemax in each nostril twice a day, along with a rinse. (Many days I've have only done the medication/rinse once, or not at all.. due to travel).

My smell started to go again, so I gave up milk since I have a slight allergy to it (this made my eyes really white). My smell came back very strong.. I can smell the aussie spring right outside my window. I can feel my nasal rinsing making it's way deep into my sinuses. I am about to cancel my final appointment with my surgeon.

IBS no longer causes discomfort. My asmtha/allergies are reduced, I've cut my seretide dose in half, I don't feel hyper-responsive to the elements anymore.

The hookwork haven't technically cured me, the disease is still there. But I think they've altered my immune system so I'm less hyper-responsive and therefore I'm less inflammatory. Thefore, they allow my medications to work much better, and allows my stomach to dissolve important nutrients better in the absence of ibs symptoms. I can also exercise more effectively (or at all).

Also, in my laymen understanding, nasal polps have an enzyme called chitinase present, which is something our body only uses to destroy helminths/hookworm which are made of chitin. But because we don't have hookworm anymore, our body seeks chitin protein elsewhere.. Such as dustmites, fungi, shellfish etc etc. My theory is: your immune system attacks the helminths, the helminths release an enzyme to reduce the presence of chitinase, or otherwise calm the immune system, therefore reducing the ability for nasal polyps to form (see this link for further info: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21711963)

Anyway, I've sent in a further 45 hookworm which will mature in another month or so. I plan to eventually have about 100 depending upon advice.

I think the real test will be how I feel, say, 4 months after my final dose. I'm confident I'll only get better and in which case I'll go public with a video or some such thing.

Going to get back to smelling the roses.


(p.s. I've been spreading this message in some nasal polyp forums.. Such as on the open yahoo forum for helminthic therapy, if you'd like to google for that)