Exercise for Sinus Congestion

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Showing 5 Star Reviews

Paterin (Pensacola, Florida, Usa) on 10/24/2011
5 out of 5 stars

Bret from Bean Station TN wrote that just getting up - moving around - walk, exercise -causes shrinkage of nasal passages. I must have missed that the first time around because I thought I discovered the following all by myself: Two nights ago, when it was obvious I could forget about sleeping, I stumbled into the room where I keep my small trampoline, and in the dark, I got aboard, hanging onto the window frame for support, and I jumped. Pure magic! The obvious explanation - what Bret said. So last night, I did my jumping just BEFORE bed -again pure magic. I know there are other problems of the nose, but what if this is all you ever needed to try?
REPLY   3      

Bret (Bean Station, Tn) on 03/15/2011
5 out of 5 stars

For temperary releif of Sinus Congestion, simply get up and move around, walk, excersise, etc. Adrenalin is a natural decongestant that is produced when we are active. You'll notice your nasal passeges will shrink making it easier to breathe.