Apple Cider Vinegar Steam for Sinus Congestion

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Blueskies (Uk) on 09/08/2016
5 out of 5 stars

Acv+salt for blocked sinus - magic!!! this is the 3rd time I have used acv and it always works like magic for blocked sinuses!

First time I suffered for a whole year - did steam but didn't work. I was offered twice to do surgery but was reluctant. It paid off.

My sister (bless her) told me about the site. I hate the smell of ACV. So it too time for me... out of desperation (I felt ill at least twice a week). I filled a kettle with ACV... added salt... turned the kettle on... and as soon as the steam started... switched off... and inhaled the steam mainly via the blocked nose. (even though it feels it is not going in) I did so on and off for a few minutes. Took a half hour break... repeated... and it was gone completely!

That was six years ago. Two weeks ago... it happened again.. it just didn't go away till I did this treatment! A couple of times in the evening. I woke up in the morning like a new person. It works like magic every time! Thank you! Thank you GOD for the medicine that can be found abundantly and naturally! DO NOT HESITATE TO DO IT! I hope to get positive feedback.

The beauty of it.. no need to DRINK it!! And it does a light descaling of the kettle. (you will need much more to descale properly).

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Beck (Tuskawilla, Florida) on 01/02/2010
5 out of 5 stars

I found home remedies with acv and thought it worked great. For those who can't handle the taste try steam inhaling to clear the congestion. For a simple and quick session, I filled a small pan with half water and half acv and boil on the stove. Once it comes to a full boil turn off the stove and just breathe in the steam. My husband thought I just worked a miracle on him with this simple procedure. Good luck!!