Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback for Sinus Infections Trigger

5 star (2) 

Jerome (Berlin, Ny) on 12/27/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I am rarely one to come down with a cold. And once a cold gets me I can't remember too many times it lasting for more than one are two days. My girlfriend and I are really conscious about the food we buy and avoid fake food as much as possible. We like organic and real ingredients. But I admit I can slip from time to time. For instance working with my friend before Christmas. The 22nd and 23rd of December I ate at McDonald's with him. Then Christmas eve I did it... Ate some Eddy's Ice cream. What ensued were symptoms so much like described in your article. Its scary. 'Cept the order may not be exact. Christmas day I got the stuffy nose and feeling awful after taking a afternoon nap. That night runny nose and I started taking notice - I may have a cold. I went to sleep that night and mucus dripping into my throat gave me a painfully sore throat. We practice Netty pot nasal washes - my girlfriend more than I. So I cleansed my nose. And went back to sleep to wake with symptoms worsening. By the second night, Dec 26, I am flu like. With constant blowing of much mucus, even though I am cleaning my nose with a Netty pot.
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Betsymoody (Louisville, Ky) on 10/09/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I read some report done on the link between artificial flavors in Dairy Queen and Baskin Robins icecream and sinus infections. It must have been fate that I saw it because right now I am battling a severe sinus infection and I have been eating Dairy Queen blizzards like every day for the past two months. 3 weeks ago I had "flu like symptoms" like the article I read stated. I ran a fever of 101. 8-102. 0 and had a sore throat. Now, for the past two weeks, along with the sore throat, I have had this severe sinus infection. I have NEVER had one this bad before! I really wish someone would contact me via facebook reguarding this matter. On facebook do a search for Betsy Moody-Ervin. Thank you
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Berrni (Richibucto-village, Nb, Canada) on 09/30/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

True, true... I am sitting here trying to get well from yet another sinus attack.. 2 days of work missed... And still trying to get better... But I have to read about 20 of your stories here on this site to finally remember that I did have a cone of chapman the nite before I got sick with the flu-like symptoms! I have a very bad memory but I remember now putting the cones away. I am the kind of person who stuffs her face without thinking and go right back to my creative work or thinking. But now I am convinced that this is true! In fact after feeling better from packing heated facmasks on my face, I found the enrgy to cook up a meal and then an apple crisp, U see I think I had a craving for more icecream! And becuz I felt better I slapped on a spoonful of icecream on top of the dessert and felt great from satisfying my craving. Yet a few hrs later I was packiing on those heat pads on my face again, and another day of missed work. I will keep away from those artificial icecreams from now on and see what happens.

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Lynne (Portland, Or) on 09/16/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Is this an allergy to artificial flavoring, artificial vanilla, or corn syrup? I read this information a couple of weeks ago and the ACV has been very helpful. I thought that perhaps my sinus flare up, which coincided with my period (sorry men), were somehow related but, could just be that I eat worse during this time. Anyway, I have put the ice cream to the test... One scoop of DQ cone with vanilla softserve ice cream caused my normal sinuses to violently react about 6 hours later. I had a completely stuffy nose but lots of mucous when I blow my nose, sinus pressure, and asthma. The same thing happened when I ate a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich, and also when I have had a McDonald's Sundae. All symptoms came raging back 6 hours to 12 hours later. It would be nice to know the specific ingredient to avoid.

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Seth Taylor (Philomath, Oregon, Usa) on 05/22/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

For the last couple of years, I have taken ACV religiously, after reading here on EC how well it worked at preventing and even curing sinus infections. I had been sinus infection free after taking ACV regularly. I was thinking my sinus problems were over ... then this week, to my surprise, I got a horrible, painful sinus infection. Then I recalled eating some ice cream a few days earlier ... now, I've eaten ice cream occasionally off and on over the last couple of years too, but have only had the major brands that don't contain corn syrup (usually the sucralose sweetened variety) with no major effects. This time however, I mistakenly had one with corn syrup. It burned my throat, but I didn't think much of it ... only when I was finishing off the box did I read the ingredients and saw corn syrup was listed. I took extra ACV, but to no avail ... after 4 horrid near sleepless nights, painful, bleeding sinuses, etc, (felt like I was dinner, and my body didn't care ... immune system on strike?) and loath to seek antibiotics, I went looking for information. I knew about ACV, but what else was I missing? After reading Ted's remedies, I thought that perhaps my pH had dropped, since I had not been eating as well as of late due to just moving (the day I started eating the ice cream) ... so, I took about 1 tsp of baking soda sweetened with 2 tsp xylitol in a cup of water. WOW! With in 1/2 hour, my sinus pain was going away! Then my mucus color lightened ... after getting a few more hours of much needed sleep, I am feeling almost normal. I still cough and have some stuffiness, pressure, and drainage, but the pain and bleeding are gone. THANK YOU EC and TED! (I like the fizzy ACV and baking soda: 1/2 C water, 1 tbsp ACV 1/4 tsp baking soda 4 drops of liquid stevia extract.)

Now, I read about the artificial flavors added to some ice creams, and I don't eat any that have these listed ... there may have been something not listed in the one I ate. However, as mentioned on EC about the history of this sinus problem and ice cream, it started in the late 1990s or so. This is when I stopped eating ANY corn, as it started to make me ill. At the time, I chalked it up to food sensitivities ... well, guess what? Something changed in corn during the 1990s. GMO. Today, about 60% of all corn is genetically modified with Bt protein, a naturally occurring pesticide. I don't know how much is in the seed, or how much makes it into the resulting corn syrup, but it could be that there is enough that some people are affected. So, the causative ingredient may very well be listed ... we just don't see if for what it is. (Or, I'm just sensitive to corn.)

Bottom line, keep the body's pH up and stay away from things we find cause harm. Then the body can do its job and be well.

Seth Taylor

EC: Great theory, thanks Seth!
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Lucysnowe (San Diego, Ca) on 05/13/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

sinus infection/ice cream connection

I found this site looking for natural sinus infection cures. Something definitely rings true with the ice cream connection. My family went to Baskin-Robbins for their .31 cent scoop night. We never go there, for lots of reasons but, decided it would be a rare treat. This was April 28th. I of course didn't make the connection when I got really sick after. Sinus infection and bronchitis (likely caused by sinusitis)that was treated with antibiotics. The bronchitis seems to have gone, but sinuses not even touched by the drugs. I just tried the ACV treatment and an hour later...WOW! I want to cry. It's been bad these past few years...if this works as good as it seems to, I feel hope! I am breathing through my nose. It's almost shocking how much oxygen I feel like I'm finally getting. It's interesting that the rest of the family didn't get sick like me, but they were super tired for days after. Interesting stuff!


1980z28 (Allen, Tx) on 04/14/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

There is definitely something to this! I haven't had a sinus infection in years, since I started eating nothing but organic foods. I ordered a small milkshake from the golden arches for my daughter. When she was done, I had the last 1/8th of it. She didn't get sick, but less than 24 hours later, I had a massive sinus infection. No more milkshakes!!

P.S. I love you guys at Earth Clinic! The ACV with water has almost kicked it.
Thank you so much

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Fountainflower (Chicago, Il, 60302) on 03/26/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

This is feedback for the page regarding Ice Cream and flu.

I found this website when looking for a natural cure for sinus infections. I'm going to try to ACV and will post results.

However, we noticed that IMMEDIATELY after I had eaten a heavily flavoured ice cream from the store, I became suddenly ragingly ill. I developed an overnight sinus infection and seem to have the flu as well. I have eaten this brand of ice cream before, as they advertise 1/2 the fat and 1/2 the sugar in this type and it seemed safe in the past to have a little every once in a while. I can be lactose intolerant to a small degree, so ice cream is a rare treat. This time, it was on a giveaway type of sale that seemed odd to us, they were giving away 2 large containers if you bought one. I tried a mint chocolate chip where they make the ice cream green, I've never eaten that kind before, I bought it for someone else to enjoy and just sampled it for fun. I felt bad within 2 hours of eating it. I already have a serious illness to deal with, and now I am so sick I can hardly move, I'm wheezing, fever, sinuses are so infected, and my ears are totally blocked. I already had pain in my skull previously so not sure if that is a symptom also. Just wanted to add to this page, I'm a little concerned that children are eating this stuff and getting so sick, that's very alarming, where's Michael Moore on this one :).


Selena (Chula, Ga, Usa) on 03/22/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this site for a while and last night was the first time I have seen this info on the connection between certain ice cream and sinus infections. Yesterday (Sunday) my 15 year old son started getting a sinus headache. He has been having some allergy issues for the last week or so because of all the heavy pollen. By evening time last night he was in a lot of pain with severe sinus pressure in his head and chest and throat pain from a frequent dry nonproductive cough. He was also having chills and running fever by late last night. I came here to look first (as I always do) for a home remedy for sinus infections. After reading this I immediately went to ask him if he had eaten any type of ice cream or milk shakes in the past few days. He said that Friday after school he had a milk shake from Wendy's. Hmmm. Interesting (48 hours later he has a sinus infection). Thanks for the info. Great Job again Earth Clinic.

Angie (Hambleton, Wv) on 12/30/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this site for a long time, but this is the first time I have looked up "sinus infection". I will have to concur on the ice cream connection. I got a cold 6 days ago and it was beginning to subside UNTIL I had a Dairy Queen Mocha Moolata on day 5. I now have took a turn for the worse and have a sinus infection.

Ice Cream and Sinus Infections Reader Feedback for Sinus Infections Trigger

5 star (2) 

Jerome (Berlin, Ny) on 12/27/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I am rarely one to come down with a cold. And once a cold gets me I can't remember too many times it lasting for more than one are two days. My girlfriend and I are really conscious about the food we buy and avoid fake food as much as possible. We like organic and real ingredients. But I admit I can slip from time to time. For instance working with my friend before Christmas. The 22nd and 23rd of December I ate at McDonald's with him. Then Christmas eve I did it... Ate some Eddy's Ice cream. What ensued were symptoms so much like described in your article. Its scary. 'Cept the order may not be exact. Christmas day I got the stuffy nose and feeling awful after taking a afternoon nap. That night runny nose and I started taking notice - I may have a cold. I went to sleep that night and mucus dripping into my throat gave me a painfully sore throat. We practice Netty pot nasal washes - my girlfriend more than I. So I cleansed my nose. And went back to sleep to wake with symptoms worsening. By the second night, Dec 26, I am flu like. With constant blowing of much mucus, even though I am cleaning my nose with a Netty pot.
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Betsymoody (Louisville, Ky) on 10/09/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I read some report done on the link between artificial flavors in Dairy Queen and Baskin Robins icecream and sinus infections. It must have been fate that I saw it because right now I am battling a severe sinus infection and I have been eating Dairy Queen blizzards like every day for the past two months. 3 weeks ago I had "flu like symptoms" like the article I read stated. I ran a fever of 101. 8-102. 0 and had a sore throat. Now, for the past two weeks, along with the sore throat, I have had this severe sinus infection. I have NEVER had one this bad before! I really wish someone would contact me via facebook reguarding this matter. On facebook do a search for Betsy Moody-Ervin. Thank you
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Berrni (Richibucto-village, Nb, Canada) on 09/30/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

True, true... I am sitting here trying to get well from yet another sinus attack.. 2 days of work missed... And still trying to get better... But I have to read about 20 of your stories here on this site to finally remember that I did have a cone of chapman the nite before I got sick with the flu-like symptoms! I have a very bad memory but I remember now putting the cones away. I am the kind of person who stuffs her face without thinking and go right back to my creative work or thinking. But now I am convinced that this is true! In fact after feeling better from packing heated facmasks on my face, I found the enrgy to cook up a meal and then an apple crisp, U see I think I had a craving for more icecream! And becuz I felt better I slapped on a spoonful of icecream on top of the dessert and felt great from satisfying my craving. Yet a few hrs later I was packiing on those heat pads on my face again, and another day of missed work. I will keep away from those artificial icecreams from now on and see what happens.

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Lynne (Portland, Or) on 09/16/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Is this an allergy to artificial flavoring, artificial vanilla, or corn syrup? I read this information a couple of weeks ago and the ACV has been very helpful. I thought that perhaps my sinus flare up, which coincided with my period (sorry men), were somehow related but, could just be that I eat worse during this time. Anyway, I have put the ice cream to the test... One scoop of DQ cone with vanilla softserve ice cream caused my normal sinuses to violently react about 6 hours later. I had a completely stuffy nose but lots of mucous when I blow my nose, sinus pressure, and asthma. The same thing happened when I ate a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich, and also when I have had a McDonald's Sundae. All symptoms came raging back 6 hours to 12 hours later. It would be nice to know the specific ingredient to avoid.

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Seth Taylor (Philomath, Oregon, Usa) on 05/22/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

For the last couple of years, I have taken ACV religiously, after reading here on EC how well it worked at preventing and even curing sinus infections. I had been sinus infection free after taking ACV regularly. I was thinking my sinus problems were over ... then this week, to my surprise, I got a horrible, painful sinus infection. Then I recalled eating some ice cream a few days earlier ... now, I've eaten ice cream occasionally off and on over the last couple of years too, but have only had the major brands that don't contain corn syrup (usually the sucralose sweetened variety) with no major effects. This time however, I mistakenly had one with corn syrup. It burned my throat, but I didn't think much of it ... only when I was finishing off the box did I read the ingredients and saw corn syrup was listed. I took extra ACV, but to no avail ... after 4 horrid near sleepless nights, painful, bleeding sinuses, etc, (felt like I was dinner, and my body didn't care ... immune system on strike?) and loath to seek antibiotics, I went looking for information. I knew about ACV, but what else was I missing? After reading Ted's remedies, I thought that perhaps my pH had dropped, since I had not been eating as well as of late due to just moving (the day I started eating the ice cream) ... so, I took about 1 tsp of baking soda sweetened with 2 tsp xylitol in a cup of water. WOW! With in 1/2 hour, my sinus pain was going away! Then my mucus color lightened ... after getting a few more hours of much needed sleep, I am feeling almost normal. I still cough and have some stuffiness, pressure, and drainage, but the pain and bleeding are gone. THANK YOU EC and TED! (I like the fizzy ACV and baking soda: 1/2 C water, 1 tbsp ACV 1/4 tsp baking soda 4 drops of liquid stevia extract.)

Now, I read about the artificial flavors added to some ice creams, and I don't eat any that have these listed ... there may have been something not listed in the one I ate. However, as mentioned on EC about the history of this sinus problem and ice cream, it started in the late 1990s or so. This is when I stopped eating ANY corn, as it started to make me ill. At the time, I chalked it up to food sensitivities ... well, guess what? Something changed in corn during the 1990s. GMO. Today, about 60% of all corn is genetically modified with Bt protein, a naturally occurring pesticide. I don't know how much is in the seed, or how much makes it into the resulting corn syrup, but it could be that there is enough that some people are affected. So, the causative ingredient may very well be listed ... we just don't see if for what it is. (Or, I'm just sensitive to corn.)

Bottom line, keep the body's pH up and stay away from things we find cause harm. Then the body can do its job and be well.

Seth Taylor

EC: Great theory, thanks Seth!
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Lucysnowe (San Diego, Ca) on 05/13/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

sinus infection/ice cream connection

I found this site looking for natural sinus infection cures. Something definitely rings true with the ice cream connection. My family went to Baskin-Robbins for their .31 cent scoop night. We never go there, for lots of reasons but, decided it would be a rare treat. This was April 28th. I of course didn't make the connection when I got really sick after. Sinus infection and bronchitis (likely caused by sinusitis)that was treated with antibiotics. The bronchitis seems to have gone, but sinuses not even touched by the drugs. I just tried the ACV treatment and an hour later...WOW! I want to cry. It's been bad these past few years...if this works as good as it seems to, I feel hope! I am breathing through my nose. It's almost shocking how much oxygen I feel like I'm finally getting. It's interesting that the rest of the family didn't get sick like me, but they were super tired for days after. Interesting stuff!


1980z28 (Allen, Tx) on 04/14/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

There is definitely something to this! I haven't had a sinus infection in years, since I started eating nothing but organic foods. I ordered a small milkshake from the golden arches for my daughter. When she was done, I had the last 1/8th of it. She didn't get sick, but less than 24 hours later, I had a massive sinus infection. No more milkshakes!!

P.S. I love you guys at Earth Clinic! The ACV with water has almost kicked it.
Thank you so much

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Fountainflower (Chicago, Il, 60302) on 03/26/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

This is feedback for the page regarding Ice Cream and flu.

I found this website when looking for a natural cure for sinus infections. I'm going to try to ACV and will post results.

However, we noticed that IMMEDIATELY after I had eaten a heavily flavoured ice cream from the store, I became suddenly ragingly ill. I developed an overnight sinus infection and seem to have the flu as well. I have eaten this brand of ice cream before, as they advertise 1/2 the fat and 1/2 the sugar in this type and it seemed safe in the past to have a little every once in a while. I can be lactose intolerant to a small degree, so ice cream is a rare treat. This time, it was on a giveaway type of sale that seemed odd to us, they were giving away 2 large containers if you bought one. I tried a mint chocolate chip where they make the ice cream green, I've never eaten that kind before, I bought it for someone else to enjoy and just sampled it for fun. I felt bad within 2 hours of eating it. I already have a serious illness to deal with, and now I am so sick I can hardly move, I'm wheezing, fever, sinuses are so infected, and my ears are totally blocked. I already had pain in my skull previously so not sure if that is a symptom also. Just wanted to add to this page, I'm a little concerned that children are eating this stuff and getting so sick, that's very alarming, where's Michael Moore on this one :).


Selena (Chula, Ga, Usa) on 03/22/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this site for a while and last night was the first time I have seen this info on the connection between certain ice cream and sinus infections. Yesterday (Sunday) my 15 year old son started getting a sinus headache. He has been having some allergy issues for the last week or so because of all the heavy pollen. By evening time last night he was in a lot of pain with severe sinus pressure in his head and chest and throat pain from a frequent dry nonproductive cough. He was also having chills and running fever by late last night. I came here to look first (as I always do) for a home remedy for sinus infections. After reading this I immediately went to ask him if he had eaten any type of ice cream or milk shakes in the past few days. He said that Friday after school he had a milk shake from Wendy's. Hmmm. Interesting (48 hours later he has a sinus infection). Thanks for the info. Great Job again Earth Clinic.

Angie (Hambleton, Wv) on 12/30/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this site for a long time, but this is the first time I have looked up "sinus infection". I will have to concur on the ice cream connection. I got a cold 6 days ago and it was beginning to subside UNTIL I had a Dairy Queen Mocha Moolata on day 5. I now have took a turn for the worse and have a sinus infection.

Jerome (Berlin, Ny) on 12/27/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I am rarely one to come down with a cold. And once a cold gets me I can't remember too many times it lasting for more than one are two days. My girlfriend and I are really conscious about the food we buy and avoid fake food as much as possible. We like organic and real ingredients. But I admit I can slip from time to time. For instance working with my friend before Christmas. The 22nd and 23rd of December I ate at McDonald's with him. Then Christmas eve I did it... Ate some Eddy's Ice cream. What ensued were symptoms so much like described in your article. Its scary. 'Cept the order may not be exact. Christmas day I got the stuffy nose and feeling awful after taking a afternoon nap. That night runny nose and I started taking notice - I may have a cold. I went to sleep that night and mucus dripping into my throat gave me a painfully sore throat. We practice Netty pot nasal washes - my girlfriend more than I. So I cleansed my nose. And went back to sleep to wake with symptoms worsening. By the second night, Dec 26, I am flu like. With constant blowing of much mucus, even though I am cleaning my nose with a Netty pot.
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Betsymoody (Louisville, Ky) on 10/09/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I read some report done on the link between artificial flavors in Dairy Queen and Baskin Robins icecream and sinus infections. It must have been fate that I saw it because right now I am battling a severe sinus infection and I have been eating Dairy Queen blizzards like every day for the past two months. 3 weeks ago I had "flu like symptoms" like the article I read stated. I ran a fever of 101. 8-102. 0 and had a sore throat. Now, for the past two weeks, along with the sore throat, I have had this severe sinus infection. I have NEVER had one this bad before! I really wish someone would contact me via facebook reguarding this matter. On facebook do a search for Betsy Moody-Ervin. Thank you
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Berrni (Richibucto-village, Nb, Canada) on 09/30/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

True, true... I am sitting here trying to get well from yet another sinus attack.. 2 days of work missed... And still trying to get better... But I have to read about 20 of your stories here on this site to finally remember that I did have a cone of chapman the nite before I got sick with the flu-like symptoms! I have a very bad memory but I remember now putting the cones away. I am the kind of person who stuffs her face without thinking and go right back to my creative work or thinking. But now I am convinced that this is true! In fact after feeling better from packing heated facmasks on my face, I found the enrgy to cook up a meal and then an apple crisp, U see I think I had a craving for more icecream! And becuz I felt better I slapped on a spoonful of icecream on top of the dessert and felt great from satisfying my craving. Yet a few hrs later I was packiing on those heat pads on my face again, and another day of missed work. I will keep away from those artificial icecreams from now on and see what happens.

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Lynne (Portland, Or) on 09/16/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

Is this an allergy to artificial flavoring, artificial vanilla, or corn syrup? I read this information a couple of weeks ago and the ACV has been very helpful. I thought that perhaps my sinus flare up, which coincided with my period (sorry men), were somehow related but, could just be that I eat worse during this time. Anyway, I have put the ice cream to the test... One scoop of DQ cone with vanilla softserve ice cream caused my normal sinuses to violently react about 6 hours later. I had a completely stuffy nose but lots of mucous when I blow my nose, sinus pressure, and asthma. The same thing happened when I ate a Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich, and also when I have had a McDonald's Sundae. All symptoms came raging back 6 hours to 12 hours later. It would be nice to know the specific ingredient to avoid.

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Seth Taylor (Philomath, Oregon, Usa) on 05/22/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

For the last couple of years, I have taken ACV religiously, after reading here on EC how well it worked at preventing and even curing sinus infections. I had been sinus infection free after taking ACV regularly. I was thinking my sinus problems were over ... then this week, to my surprise, I got a horrible, painful sinus infection. Then I recalled eating some ice cream a few days earlier ... now, I've eaten ice cream occasionally off and on over the last couple of years too, but have only had the major brands that don't contain corn syrup (usually the sucralose sweetened variety) with no major effects. This time however, I mistakenly had one with corn syrup. It burned my throat, but I didn't think much of it ... only when I was finishing off the box did I read the ingredients and saw corn syrup was listed. I took extra ACV, but to no avail ... after 4 horrid near sleepless nights, painful, bleeding sinuses, etc, (felt like I was dinner, and my body didn't care ... immune system on strike?) and loath to seek antibiotics, I went looking for information. I knew about ACV, but what else was I missing? After reading Ted's remedies, I thought that perhaps my pH had dropped, since I had not been eating as well as of late due to just moving (the day I started eating the ice cream) ... so, I took about 1 tsp of baking soda sweetened with 2 tsp xylitol in a cup of water. WOW! With in 1/2 hour, my sinus pain was going away! Then my mucus color lightened ... after getting a few more hours of much needed sleep, I am feeling almost normal. I still cough and have some stuffiness, pressure, and drainage, but the pain and bleeding are gone. THANK YOU EC and TED! (I like the fizzy ACV and baking soda: 1/2 C water, 1 tbsp ACV 1/4 tsp baking soda 4 drops of liquid stevia extract.)

Now, I read about the artificial flavors added to some ice creams, and I don't eat any that have these listed ... there may have been something not listed in the one I ate. However, as mentioned on EC about the history of this sinus problem and ice cream, it started in the late 1990s or so. This is when I stopped eating ANY corn, as it started to make me ill. At the time, I chalked it up to food sensitivities ... well, guess what? Something changed in corn during the 1990s. GMO. Today, about 60% of all corn is genetically modified with Bt protein, a naturally occurring pesticide. I don't know how much is in the seed, or how much makes it into the resulting corn syrup, but it could be that there is enough that some people are affected. So, the causative ingredient may very well be listed ... we just don't see if for what it is. (Or, I'm just sensitive to corn.)

Bottom line, keep the body's pH up and stay away from things we find cause harm. Then the body can do its job and be well.

Seth Taylor

EC: Great theory, thanks Seth!
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Lucysnowe (San Diego, Ca) on 05/13/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

sinus infection/ice cream connection

I found this site looking for natural sinus infection cures. Something definitely rings true with the ice cream connection. My family went to Baskin-Robbins for their .31 cent scoop night. We never go there, for lots of reasons but, decided it would be a rare treat. This was April 28th. I of course didn't make the connection when I got really sick after. Sinus infection and bronchitis (likely caused by sinusitis)that was treated with antibiotics. The bronchitis seems to have gone, but sinuses not even touched by the drugs. I just tried the ACV treatment and an hour later...WOW! I want to cry. It's been bad these past few years...if this works as good as it seems to, I feel hope! I am breathing through my nose. It's almost shocking how much oxygen I feel like I'm finally getting. It's interesting that the rest of the family didn't get sick like me, but they were super tired for days after. Interesting stuff!


1980z28 (Allen, Tx) on 04/14/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

There is definitely something to this! I haven't had a sinus infection in years, since I started eating nothing but organic foods. I ordered a small milkshake from the golden arches for my daughter. When she was done, I had the last 1/8th of it. She didn't get sick, but less than 24 hours later, I had a massive sinus infection. No more milkshakes!!

P.S. I love you guys at Earth Clinic! The ACV with water has almost kicked it.
Thank you so much

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Fountainflower (Chicago, Il, 60302) on 03/26/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

This is feedback for the page regarding Ice Cream and flu.

I found this website when looking for a natural cure for sinus infections. I'm going to try to ACV and will post results.

However, we noticed that IMMEDIATELY after I had eaten a heavily flavoured ice cream from the store, I became suddenly ragingly ill. I developed an overnight sinus infection and seem to have the flu as well. I have eaten this brand of ice cream before, as they advertise 1/2 the fat and 1/2 the sugar in this type and it seemed safe in the past to have a little every once in a while. I can be lactose intolerant to a small degree, so ice cream is a rare treat. This time, it was on a giveaway type of sale that seemed odd to us, they were giving away 2 large containers if you bought one. I tried a mint chocolate chip where they make the ice cream green, I've never eaten that kind before, I bought it for someone else to enjoy and just sampled it for fun. I felt bad within 2 hours of eating it. I already have a serious illness to deal with, and now I am so sick I can hardly move, I'm wheezing, fever, sinuses are so infected, and my ears are totally blocked. I already had pain in my skull previously so not sure if that is a symptom also. Just wanted to add to this page, I'm a little concerned that children are eating this stuff and getting so sick, that's very alarming, where's Michael Moore on this one :).


Selena (Chula, Ga, Usa) on 03/22/2010:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this site for a while and last night was the first time I have seen this info on the connection between certain ice cream and sinus infections. Yesterday (Sunday) my 15 year old son started getting a sinus headache. He has been having some allergy issues for the last week or so because of all the heavy pollen. By evening time last night he was in a lot of pain with severe sinus pressure in his head and chest and throat pain from a frequent dry nonproductive cough. He was also having chills and running fever by late last night. I came here to look first (as I always do) for a home remedy for sinus infections. After reading this I immediately went to ask him if he had eaten any type of ice cream or milk shakes in the past few days. He said that Friday after school he had a milk shake from Wendy's. Hmmm. Interesting (48 hours later he has a sinus infection). Thanks for the info. Great Job again Earth Clinic.

Angie (Hambleton, Wv) on 12/30/2009:
0 out of 5 stars

I have been a fan of this site for a long time, but this is the first time I have looked up "sinus infection". I will have to concur on the ice cream connection. I got a cold 6 days ago and it was beginning to subside UNTIL I had a Dairy Queen Mocha Moolata on day 5. I now have took a turn for the worse and have a sinus infection.
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