Rifaximin + Low Carb Diet for SIBO

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Grace (Tacoma) on 06/05/2018:
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Standard treatment for SIBO is Rifaximin sold under the trade name Xifaxan plus adhering to a low or no carb diet. If rounds of Rifaximin doesn't cure SIBO. Then the next step was two or three weeks of Elemental Formula, no food just the formula the first three days were hard after that it was easier. This feeds the person, but starves the SIBO. Many might find this difficult so there is the herbal combination and adhering to strict diet you do this for four weeks . 1-3 of the following herbs x 4 weeks per course, at highest levels suggested on product labels. Allicin from Garlic the best one is Allimed Oregano, Berberine- found in Goldenseal, Oregon Grape, Barberry, Coptis, Phellodendron, Neem
and Cinnamon. Get a SIBO trained doctor that helps

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Chaitu (New York) on 07/11/2011:
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I am not sure, if any of you are considering alternatives. I came across an interesting link between Small intestinal Bacterial (SIBO) linked to rosacea. Doctors seem to be treating this and not just skin (I felt, though am not sure). Here is an interesting except I found.

My experience with rifaximin as an attempted treatment for papulopustular rosacea:

After I discovered the information about the allegedly uplifting results others had seen with this drug in despair of the disfiguring consequences we are all too familiar with I spent my last money on a trip to Barcelona, Spain, where rifaximin is produced and sold under the brand name Spiraxin available for purchase in any pharmacy without prescription from a doctor. I actually took 1200 mg/day for two weeks, not just ten days. When taking my first dose, my rosacea was worse than ever, pretty much. Well, long story short, aften five days I noticed improvement, on day ten I was CLEAR! Since then (three weeks post-treatment), my skin has been so much better, with only the occasional little pustule or papule if I eat unhealthy as a little reminder to struggle with I now have cleaner skin than most people my age (I`m 19):) SIBO was obviously my problem, and fortunately the bacteria reacted positively to the drug thank you, life! How long it will take before I experience complete remission is unknown, but I'm at least hoping for a few months rifaximin does not trigger resistant bacterial colonies in your gut and can be used repeatedly with approximately the same effect over and over again. Just remember to take probiotic supplement between courses. I`ll keep you updated whenever something remarkable happens, enjoying a renewed self-esteem and life quality in the meantime.

So, for others, try it; you have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I love and empathize with you all, stay strong and don`t give up no matter how troubling rosacea can be to how we judge ourselves. We are beautiful xanthochroids regardless."

This is directly related to SIBO controlling and kind of new invention. This means rosacea is internal digestive system trigger and not just at shallow level (skin). The bad bacteria is causing rosacea inside stomach and controlling this, slowly improving your digestive (good) bacteria sends rosacea into remission.

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