Multiple Remedies for SIBO

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KT (Dc) on 08/30/2015
5 out of 5 stars

Sibo: I have a history of food allergies and sensitivities. After a visit to a naturopath about 3 years ago she mentioned overgrowth of bacteria in the intestine. I couldn't afford to keep going, but kept that in the back of my mind. Recently I had a bought with constipation, anxiety, sleeplessness, severe pain in my lower left abdomen, bloating, belching, etc that lasted for a week. I realize I've been bloated for months and just thought I had put on weight

Finally I got some relief. Here's how:

1. Took about 1/16 teaspoon of baking soda in water for temporary relief.

2.Reduced my food intake to less than 1/2 the norm. Cut out all sugar foods except fruit, and a few potato chips (like 1 small bag in a week) Consisted of the following: 1 bottle of water soon upon waking, serving of fresh low-sugar fruit about 30 minutes later. IF I was hungry, 1/2 plate of Green leafy veggies(kale) and 1/3 piece of fish(cod) for lunch and again for dinner only if I was hungry.

3. Complied 100% with my food sensitivities for 5 days(if you haven't had a blood test for this, it is a MUST)

4. Drank on average 4 bottles of water a day, some non-caffeinated herbal tea

5. Made sure I had enough time to get at least 8 hours of sleep, asleep before midnight

6. Took 1 clove of chopped fresh garlic with water (like a pill) everyday. I've heard some people with acid reflux have issue with garlic so obviously omit this if you have to. I also started taking turmeric as it is antibacterial, antiviral, antiinflammatory

7. When I was finally able to have bowel movements, I did so in the squatting position (on american toilets that really consists of using a stool you can order on amazon, or hoisting your legs/feet onto the seat. Takes practice/getting used to). This allows your colon to be emptied more completely.

Within 7 days, my stomach was flatter than it has been in a LONG time, inflammation in other parts of my body that I've had for years, went away! Eczema has begun to clear.

Hope this is helpful