Multiple Remedies for Shingles

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Robert (Martinez, Ca) on 02/01/2010:
5 out of 5 stars


l-lysine maintainence dose of 500 mg. plus occasional 1/2 aspirin w/lysine.Tea using bitter mellon dried,1-2 tbsp.,(called bitter gourd or 'Gohyah' from Viet Nam), together with powdered 'huang lian jie du tang', 1 tsp.,per coffee size mug of hot water. Let steep & drink. Can refresh with hot water. Use cinnamon in tea to help with very bitter taste.Items avail online or at asian markets.This is direct successful usage. Another very potent chinese herbal is 'long dan xie gan wan'. This is very potent & used if above items are not successful, & also avail at asian market or online. Follow label or online directions.Mung bean gruel will help with detox.Use minerals,especially magnesium due to diuretic effects, also b-complex for fatigue. Search homeopathic creams or use calamine for topical use.Avoid hot spicy & acid forming foods.


Kelly (San Antonio, TX) on 01/02/2009:
5 out of 5 stars

Every year, once or twice a year, I get an outbreak of shingles on my right cheek. I know I am getting it due to pain on the left side of my face accompinied by a tingling sensation on my nose. When I feel this, I immediately start taking acyclovoir (SP) and wash the area with regular ol' rubbing alcohol, applied by a cotton ball. Then while the area is still wet, I apply Goldbond medicated powder and let it dry. It seems to help with the pain and itching. If blisters form, they immediately start to dry up. Try this, it might work for you.

Wendy (La Ceiba, Honduras) on 12/18/2008:
5 out of 5 stars

I read with great interest all the remedies posted for shingles. Researching a bit on my own, I came up with this concoction which has reduced itching and pain as well as sped up healing.

In a very small container place One teaspoon of coconut oil, squeezing a gel cap of Vit E oil into it...add a teaspoon of Neem oil, 2 drops of grapefruit seed extract, 2 drops of oregano oil, 4 drops of sandalwood oil, a teaspoon of fresh aloe gel and a 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric.

mix this all up and dab it on the blisters. i lightly placed a tissue over this as the turmeric will stain clothing so wear something old.

I have eliminated coffee, alcohol, nuts, seeds and have upped my intake of papaya and sardines (high in lysine).
Internally, I am taking 15 drops of grapefruit seed extract and 2 drops of oregano oil mixed with water in a shot glass, followed by a large glass or pure water every hour. This mixture does not taste good, but has very strong anti viral properties and ANYTHING is better than the pain from shingles. DO NOT take more than 2 drops of oregano....this is powerful stuff. ALWAYS mix it with water.

I am on day 5 now. i started using this protocol on day 3. The first angry patch has scabbed over and and looks much much better and the other patches have not developed blisters I am hopeful for a brief experience.

Many of these ingredients are part of the Indian healing system called Ayurveda. I just added everything I researched into one method. Hope this helps you.

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