Vitamin D for Sciatica

5 star (1) 

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Lisa (St. Paul, MN) on 11/24/2019:
5 out of 5 stars

Vitamin D completely cured my sciatica.

I used to feel it especially when driving and had to sit on a tennis ball at times, which helped, but only slightly, and who wants to do that every time you drive? I was only about 40 at the time, but I felt like my body was already beginning to break down. This was a few years ago, and I had read somewhere that Vitamin D is great for nerve-related things, so I decided to up my dosage to what I had read would be about the maximum for me, which was 10,000 IUs per day.

I am a 5'1 woman weighing about 110 lbs. To my great relief, my sciatica went completely away after only a couple days or so of taking this amount of Vitamin D and it hasn't returned since. The only times I feel it creeping back a bit is when I forget to take my Vitamin D in the morning!

I had a co-worker who struggled with sciatica as well. She went to physical therapy and was considering surgery and suffering a lot. I told her about my experience with Vitamin D, but, sadly, she didn't seem to comprehend the idea. She was actually concerned about how much more money she'd be spending on vitamins by consuming this much (even though I'm sure the surgery she was considering would've been much pricier). Sometimes people just can't hear you when you try to help them, so I stopped trying to convince her. I buy the Target brand Vitamin D, so it really isn't expensive or hard on my budget. And it was so simple for me to solve this issue. All it took was a bit of research and following a hunch.

I hope by sharing my story I can help someone else who needs another idea to try.

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